Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,10

tonight and he's going out of town so I have to work but we get to drink on him." I flashed a big grin to win her over. She needed to be in my corner tonight anyway.

"Just give me a few." She winked at Marcus and I wanted to flip her off. I just realized that she already knew that the guys were playing tonight and she never told me. I guess that was payback for me not telling her that Trevor had my number. I wanted to throw something at her at least but nothing was around for me to even grab.

Marcus made himself comfortable on the couch and began flipping through channels. He was a sweetheart. Halley got lucky finding him. When I first met her she had just broken up with some guy named Alex that she had dated for like a year and a half and she enjoyed her single life she was entitled to. Good thing she had me there to help her through it, not that she was really that torn up over it. She always told me it was something she had been wanting to do for a while then and finally just decided to make it happen. We spent many a nights at The Lounge following that time. Many bar dances, shots and, a year later she and Marcus began talking a little more than just a mere conversation here and there and she'd been smiling since.

Halley came out wearing a blue jean skirt and a pink blouse. Marcus whistled when she walked out and she made her way to him for a kiss. Gag me. This was just the beginning, I’d have to see this all night. The simplest outfit was always flattering on her. You could tape Popsicle sticks to her and she could still pull it off like it was this years’ hottest fashion trend. I didn’t have that kind of luck or maybe I was just a little more self-conscious. Popsicle sticks really weren’t my style anyway. I had my blue jean skirt on too but with my new cowboy boots I’d been saving for, and my favorite pink sweater. Halley and I both liked pink, sue us. We just so happened to be wearing the same color at the same time. Actually it happened rather often. People that didn’t know us and saw us together in person thought we were really sisters in real life. We did bare a similar resemblance but

Marcus drove us and I suddenly wished I'd had my own car to escape the chaos that I was sure was going to start. The Lounge wasn't packed just yet when we pulled up but there were about five cars in the parking lot. Halley and Marcus stopped to talk to a few people standing around the bar. I bypassed them and went behind the bar. I grabbed a shot glass and filled it with whiskey and tossed it back. So much for the possible plan that involved no liquor, I was a fool for even considering that.

"You know drinking’s bad for you." I looked over to see Trevor watching me with a devilish grin on his face. Those beautiful bluish gray eyes watching me. Watching my every move. Kinda made me happy inside. Don’t sound like a stupid girl when you open your mouth Macy. Don’t let him see through you. Stay strong.

My eyes rolled practically out of my head. "Don't talk to me." It was the only answer I could muster up at the time and I must say I was proud of myself for at least standing my ground to begin with. I didn’t cave, yet. I poured another and threw that shot back too. If I kept this up, I'd be drunk before most of our typical crowd got here. He needed to go away and go do whatever it is he does before a show but unfortunately he hadn't moved.

"Don't be that way Mace." His smile faded and a frown took its place. Even a frown on him was gorgeous. Secretly I wished my Uncle Gary were here and not out of town because this conversation between us wouldn't be happening. My eyes met his and I threw back another shot. Three shots down, I was going to more than likely need a babysitter tonight, oh wait that’s why Halley had agreed to come I should just sign all my rights over to her and make her my new guardian. She Copyright 2016 - 2024