Needing You Close - Kennedy Fox Page 0,39

sweet one.”

“Sweet and gullible,” she counters.

“Sweet and gorgeous,” I correct, flashing her a wink.

She tilts her head with a smile. “I guess I’ll take it.”

“Good. Now, I’m gonna make you the best meal of your life.” I drizzle the oil, then add the steak pieces.

“And what masterpiece are you creating tonight, Chef Tyler?”

Fuck. She just made that sound so goddamn sexy.

I tell her while adding seasoning, and I swear her mouth waters.

“And for dessert…” I hold up the cheesecake I bought.

“I think I just had a food-gasm. It already smells delicious.” She hums.

My cock jerks at the sexy noise, and I quickly shift so she doesn’t notice. As much as I’d love to feel her come on my fingers again, tonight is about us starting over.

It takes an hour to cook, and we chat the entire time. There’s no awkward silences or weird tension and being with her feels as easy as it did before I left. Gemma relaxes, and I grin every time I hear her sweet laughter. She teases me, and I love every moment. As she watches me move around the kitchen, she offers to help, and I replay the memory of her disastrous attempt to make grilled cheese sandwiches last weekend.

“I got it,” I insist, plating everything before we sit.

“Wow, Tyler.” She closes her eyes as she moans around a forkful of food. “This is seriously so good. I think it’s my new favorite meal.”

“Yeah? That makes me happy to hear. I’m not quite up to the level I was at before prison, but I’ll get there eventually. Especially if you keep me letting me cook for you.”

She smiles sweetly, and I linger on her lips that I’m desperate to kiss again.

“There’s no way you were better because this is a ten outta ten. Maybe even an eleven with dessert.”

“It’s nice having someone else to cook for. I mean, if you don’t count my mooching sister who literally takes food off my plate.”

“What about before? Did you cook only for yourself then?”

“In Vegas, yes. When I was with Maddie and Liam, I was in the kitchen a lot. It helped the slow days go by as we played the waiting game. Maddie was a dancer in college and always sucking down protein smoothies, so I tried to help her break that habit.”

“I bet she loved it.”

“Oh, she did. Then when I stayed with them for a few weeks, I spoiled them with breakfast and dinner a handful of times. At first, it felt strange, but it’s like riding a bike. Plus, it helps that I can follow directions.”

“Well, if this meal is any indication, I think so too.”

Gemma and I talk and laugh through the rest of dinner then decide to save dessert until after the movie since we’re both stuffed.

“You sure you’re ready to watch this? It’s a scary one.”

“Do I have a choice?” she mocks, curling up on the couch with a blanket.

“It’s not scary scary…more a psychological thriller.”

“If I have nightmares tonight, I’m blaming you.”

“Oh, don’t be a baby. Jack Nicholson is amazing in this film.”

“Hmm…we’ll see.” She smirks as I press play and sit next to her.

“Just by his expressions, I can tell he’s crazy as hell,” she says after a while.

I wrap my arm around her and pull her against my chest. “Here, I’ll protect you.”

Gemma beams, then snorts. “Smooth.”

“Hey, gimme a break. Like my cooking skills, my game is a little off.”

Gemma bursts out laughing until tears form in her eyes. “How do you always make me smile? After the past couple of weeks, I should be in a sour ass mood. But I don’t think I’ve been this happy in months.”

“You should always be laughing and smiling, Gemma. It’s a beautiful sight to see and sound to hear.” I turn and brush my thumb over her jaw, then pluck her bottom lip from between her teeth.

“Thanks for being here.”

“Thank you for agreeing to hang out.”

“No, I don’t mean just tonight. I mean, for coming back. I know you didn’t do it for me, but I’m glad you’re home.”

“I wasn’t sure it would be the right choice, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in years.”

She stares at my lips, and I battle with my head and heart on what to do next. Before I decide, a loud scream comes from the TV, and we both jump.

“Jesus.” She rests a hand on her chest. “That scared the shit out of me.”

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