Needing You Close - Kennedy Fox Page 0,40

it as a sign. Tonight’s not the night to cross that line.

We finish watching the movie, and when the credits roll, Gemma curses me out for the ending.

“You really thought it’d have a happily ever after like one of your cheesy romance films?” I tease as I cut the cheesecake.

“Well, I was holding out hope.” She crosses her arms.

“Alright so, besides that, what’d you think?”

“It was…interesting. Not something I’d ever watch again, though.”

“That’s fine because you have fifty more to choose from.” I smirk.

“I need a break before suffering through another, okay? Like maybe something with Patrick Swayze.”

“Let me guess, Dirty Dancing?”

“Yep. One of my favorites.”

“I remember,” I say softly. “You and Everleigh went through a whole phase when you were like thirteen and played the soundtrack on repeat.”

“Oh my God, that’s right.” Her eyes light up with excitement. “We tried to learn all the steps, just like Baby and Johnny.”

“I wanted to bash my head into a wall. That was probably why I started going to the gym and taking out my frustrations on a punching bag.”

“Very funny.”

“Oh, I’m serious. Y’all were always so loud, singing the lyrics at the top of your lungs.”

“We were teenagers,” she defends.

“Exactly and, at the time, extremely annoying.” I chuckle. “But don’t worry, I only think you’re a little annoying now. So that’s progress.”

She scoffs with a little smile.

“Alright, let me add the toppings, then we can dive in.” I slice the strawberries, then add whipped cream.

“You ever thought about working as a chef, like for real?” she asks.

“Maybe, but I’d rather get my hands dirty and sweaty in a ring. Perhaps, getting hired at a restaurant will be my plan C.”

“Must be exhausting to have so many talents,” she teases, stealing a piece of fruit.

“It is,” I say dramatically. “Good thing I’ve been celibate for the past five years. Wouldn’t wanna be a complete show-off.”

Gemma chokes and gasps for air. For a split second, I worry she won’t be able to catch her breath, but then she swallows and chuckles.

“Jesus, are you okay?”

She wipes the tears from her eyes as she continues grinning. “Yes, but I think you’re trying to kill me.”

“I didn’t realize you were so sensitive.”

“I wasn’t expecting that!”

With a smirk, I shrug. “Sorry. Next time, I’ll make sure you don’t have any food or beverages near your mouth.”

“How generous,” she muses.

Once our desserts are ready, we take them and sit on the couch. That sexy moan that escapes her tests my willpower to be a gentleman.

“So, can I ask about Robert?” I ask carefully, and she nods.

“I haven’t heard from him since last Friday,” she admits. “I hope that’s a good sign, and that he’ll leave me the hell alone.”

“You think he will?” I glance at her.

She sighs. “I hope so. I have nothing to say to him. Most of the town knows anyway, so it’d be pointless to try to “fix” what’s broken between us. Not to mention, I have no desire to give him another chance.”

“Maybe we’ll both get lucky and he’ll become Victoria’s focus, then they’ll both be out of our lives for good.”

“One can dream, right?” She licks some of the whipped cream from the strawberries, and I quickly look away before she catches me.

“So I have a question, and you can totally say no.”

“I probably won’t.” I smirk. “What is it?”

She sets her empty plate down on the coffee table and faces me. “I’m driving over to Clayton tomorrow to see Noah. I’d really love it if you’d come with me, unless you feel uncomfortable.”

I wasn’t expecting that. Though I have no desire to set foot in a prison again, this time I’d be on the other side.

“Never mind, I shouldn’t have asked. Of course, you don’t wanna go,” she quickly says, then waves it off.

“Gemma, I’ll join you,” I quickly tell her. “Might be good for Noah to see what his life can potentially be like after, and perhaps it’ll give him some hope.”


“Yeah, really. If you don’t think he’d mind.” Based on what Katie said, Noah hasn’t wanted many visitors, so it may be crossing a line.

“He won’t. I told him about your situation years ago after it happened, and we spoke not too long after you came home. I think you’re right. It’ll give him some peace knowing life isn’t over after prison.”

“Then count me in.”

Chapter Ten


Spending time with Tyler yesterday was amazing, and it felt like old times. We laughed so much, and it took my mind away from reality, Copyright 2016 - 2024