Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,65

want to talk about it.”

“No way.” Nick shook his head. “Shit, Damon. I was kidding. I didn’t think that your new bride really would—”

“She didn’t!” His temper flared, but he caught himself. “Sorry, Nick. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. And I’m sorry for leaving without saying anything last night. I just…”

Nick slapped his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, man. Really. I found your friends and introduced myself.”

Damon couldn’t help but smile. Of course Nick would have made himself at home.

“You didn’t tell me about the blonde hottie.”

Damon looked at his friend in confusion. “The blonde…”

“Yay tall…” Nick held out his hand. “Curvy, sexy, blue eyes, and…hey, she looks a lot like that woman.”

Damon turned to see Logan’s truck, with Faith in the passenger seat, screech to a halt in front of them. He registered the look on Logan’s face, only seconds before the man flung the truck door open and ran toward him.

“What the fuck, Banks?” He lunged for him, but somehow Damon managed to dodge him. Nick, who’d initially only had eyes for Faith, jumped into action, and put himself between the hulking angry man and his buddy. “Move,” Logan growled. “Or I’ll go through you.”

“Whoa.” Nick held his hands up. “I think we should all calm down.”

Damon’s mind raced, but he didn't have to think too hard to know exactly what Logan was mad about. Katie. He just didn’t know what about Katie Logan was mad about. “You need to talk to me, Logan. What’s going on?”

“Logan, stop it!” Faith joined Nick standing between Logan and the source of his anger. “You need to calm down. I’m sorry, Damon.” She turned her head to look at him. “I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen.”

“I’m going to kill you!”

“You aren’t going to kill anyone.” Faith turned back to him and to Damon’s surprise, Logan’s face actually softened a little when he looked at her. But not enough, because he still looked as though he did, in fact, intend to kill him.

“I don’t know what you think I—”

“You fucking lied, Damon. About all of it.”

Ahh. So the truth was totally out. Damon nodded once but didn’t have time to speak.

“You used her.” Logan wasn’t done. “You hurt my little sister and that means you need to hurt.”

“Enough!” Faith grabbed Logan by both arms and pushed him back a step to give them some distance.

Instead of using that distance, Damon stepped around Nick and toward Logan. “You’re right,” he said. “I did hurt her. But it wasn’t my intention,” he added quickly. “The last thing I would ever want is to hurt her, Logan.”

Logan wasn’t buying it. He shook his head and clenched his fists.

“It’s true.” Damon wouldn’t have blamed the man if he punched him. Hell, he almost wanted Logan to punch him. He deserved it. But more than that, what he really wanted was to make things okay again. Better than okay. He needed everyone to know how he really felt and more than that, he needed Katie to know how he really felt. “I love her, Logan.” The moment the words were out of his mouth, he smiled. And then despite himself and the situation he was in, he laughed and said it again. Louder this time. “I love her. I love Katie Langdon.”

But then, just like that, the laughter was gone, and the smile dropped off his face as reality crashed back in. Damon stared at Logan, Faith, and Nick, who all looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. He scrubbed a hand over his face and tugged at his hair before speaking again. “I screwed up,” he said as honestly as he could. “I know that.” Logan snorted and shook his head, but Damon kept talking. “I need to fix things,” he said. “And I think I’m going to need your help.”

Chapter Eighteen

“I cannot believe you talked me into this.” Katie turned from the mirror where she’d been staring at her reflection for the last five minutes, to Faith, who’d just walked into her bedroom. It had been two days since the blow-up fight she’d had with Damon. And despite all the texts and phone calls from him that she’d ignored the morning after, she hadn’t heard from him. Except once. The day before. An envelope had arrived by courier. It held the paperwork making the Hub legally hers. And a note:

* * *

It always would have been yours. No matter what.

* * *

She’d almost called him then. Copyright 2016 - 2024