Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,64

the other end of the line, Hope gasped dramatically. “Did you just say that?”

“Don’t tell anyone!”

“Your secret is safe with me, sis. Now fill me in on the gossip. I miss everyone.”

Faith resisted the urge to tell her sister to come home if she missed them so much. That would be useless, so, instead, she did her best to fill her in on what as going on around town, as well as the details of Damon and Katie’s super simple, but beautiful ceremony. She couldn’t help but add that she herself had pulled off that wedding all on her own. It didn’t matter that there were less than ten people in attendance.

“I still can’t believe those two got married so quickly,” Hope said. “I feel like it was just yesterday that Katie was telling us about it.”

“So crazy.” She shook her head. “But it seems to be working. Well, except last night was weird.”

The night before had been weird, and normally Faith wouldn’t have thought much about it, except they had all been gathered to raise their glasses in a toast to the happy newlyweds and then they’d both just taken off without an explanation, leaving everyone to wonder what exactly had happened.

“Weird how?”

“We were all celebrating with them, and then Katie went to the bathroom and Damon went to get more drinks.” She didn’t bother mentioning that he’d never come back with those drinks. “The last I saw him, he was talking to some guy at the bar.”

“Some guy?”

Faith nodded. “We found out later he’s a friend of Damon’s from the city. He came over to introduce himself.” She didn’t bother telling her sister that Damon’s friend, Nick, was super-hot and ridiculously flirty. “Anyway, I never did see Damon again, but Sarah said she saw Katie take off in a hurry, so…” She shrugged. “Like I said, it was weird.”

“That does sound weird.” The sisters talked it over for a few minutes, and then switched gears while Hope filled her in on their travels. They were currently in France, and it sounded absolutely heavenly. Faith had never given it much thought before, but maybe she should consider doing some travel on her own. She let her thoughts drift for a moment but the sound of a truck entering her yard distracted her.

“Hey, Hope?” Faith sat up straight in her chair as she looked out the window at her visitor. “I think I’m going to have to let you go.”

“Why? What’s—”

She didn’t hear the rest of her sister’s question because a second later, Logan Langdon, looking angrier than she’d ever seen him, flung open her kitchen door and crashed his way into her kitchen. “I’m going to fucking kill him!”

The rain was just starting to come down as Damon made his way down Main Street. Talking to his father had been a good start, but he still had more to do. But before he could do anything, he needed to think. And he couldn’t do that at ElkView. So he’d made his way down to town and had started walking. He’d lingered outside Sweetie Pies but couldn’t make himself go in. A honey bun would only remind him of Katie and the mess they were in. So he’d kept walking.

But it was no use, because every single thing in town reminded him of Katie. All of his memories were wrapped up in her. He walked past the Big Rock Inn where, only a few days ago, they’d had their first fight. She’d told him then that there was nothing going on with her and Jeremy. Had she been lying? In his heart, if he could see past his jealousy, Damon knew she hadn’t been lying to him. Katie never lied to him.

He’d overreacted.

He’d ruined everything.

And he knew it.

What he didn’t know was how to make it right. She hadn’t answered any of his phone calls or texts all morning, and although he knew he could drive over to her ranch and demand that she talk to him, he also knew that approach would probably not go over well with her. Or her family.

“Hey, Banks!”

Damon’s head shot up to see his buddy Nick walking out the front door of the Big Rock Inn. He instantly felt a flash of guilt. He’d forgotten about Nick, and that was a shitty thing to do considering Nick had come to Glacier Falls for him.

“Where the hell did you go last night?” Nick joined him on the sidewalk. “Don’t tell me that dude was—”

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