Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,24

from grabbing my ass as I walk around the table. I learnt really quick that movement is my friend. These guys drink a lot and get drunk faster than I can run around the table so they’re only going to fall on their faces. From the looks of it they might be three sheets to the wind already.

“It’s a strip club though, isn’t flesh mandatory?” The guy I know, asks. I think his name is Sheldon, but I don’t remember.

“We’re a gentleman’s club and no, the flesh showing is at my discretion, not yours.” Our rules here are clear. Consent is required. Choices are ours. Assholes get kicked out. “That guy, right over there,” I point to Manny, our biggest bouncer at nearly seven feet tall and close to three hundred pounds. He salutes as our eyes meet. “Will be watching me all night long. He’s trained to know when I’m uncomfortable and you’re out of hand. Don’t make Manny mad guys, he eats boys like you for lunch. Now what are you having to drink?” I cock my hip and drop my hand on it as they all boo before giving me their order.

As I walk over to the bar, I stop and speak to Manny. “Watch them tonight please, they’ve already been drinking, and I know the tall blonde from school. He doesn’t like taking no for an answer.”

His snarl deepens as he watches the boys. “Tell Jo they have a three-drink max and take their keys if you can with their names.” Manny may be primarily a bouncer, but he also decides when it’s been enough for one night for a lot of excited men. “Bring them a plate of wings on the house too.”

“Whatever you say boss.”

“Watch it girl.” I giggle as he warns me.

After giving Jo their drink order, I wait as he places everything on my tray and sway my hips to some Pussycat Dolls song playing while Raine dances on stage. Drake is front and center and his eyes are glued to the girl. I can see him tensing as some of her regular’s cat call and beg for more. Manny signals Alex, one of the other bouncers to keep an eye out and move closer.

Business seems to have picked up in the few minutes I was at the bar, because we are almost packed to the max now. Lots of men have come in, in regular clothes but I see a few costumes anywhere from Thor to Bruce Springsteen and everywhere in between. Some guys are ripped and look sexy as hell, others are normal looking guys searching for entertainment.

All the girls are dressed up as one of three things tonight. A sexy maid, the playboy bunny or like me they’re wearing booty shorts and a tube top so small it only covers our breasts, plus a mask of some sort.

The allure is what’s popular and makes us the most money, so we do what needs to be done. I don’t mind showing so much flesh because I like my body. I’m comfortable in it and I’ve always believed that you should show what you love, no matter what body type you are. I’m by no means considered thin. I have thick thighs, wide hips, and my ass is as big as my C-cup boobs. I’ve worked hard to enjoy who I am and for now, I’ll show what I like. But only on my terms.

Picking up my drink tray, I get the balance I need before walking back to my table of six and see I have three more tables filled. It’s going to be a long night.

For a while I don’t get to check the time, so when I feel the air crackle and my body ripple with the effect of just being in the same room as Jack, I turn and search until I find him.

I’m standing in front of the table of my old classmates, I noticed after a bit they all went to school with me, which means Jack is going to know them too. I search until our eyes collide and the breath is nearly knocked from my lungs.

He’s Tarzan.

Dressed in nothing but a toga loin cloth and runners, he grins as my eyes roam his body. His chest is on display, showing every deliciously muscled inch of him as well as the little bit of chest hair he has.

“Hey gorgeous.” He greets as his hands circle my body and pull me closer. Our lips touch Copyright 2016 - 2024