Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,23

myself a lot with him. “I’m her man, she can dance and entice anyone she wants but at the end of the day, she’s mine. Eden hasn’t got eyes for anyone but me.”

We’ve mostly just fucked when we’re together, but I see in her eyes exactly what I feel for her. I have no doubt that she’s as much in love with me as I am with her.

“I strongly suggest that when you go home, you mention nothing of this outburst of yours, nor the accusations you were throwing around. No need to hurt her over something so foolish.” He nods. “Besides I’d hate to have to kick your ass for making her cry.” I may be joking with him, but I’d do it. I won’t have anyone making her upset over something so ridiculous.

“Yeah, thanks. I’ll go surprise her. Tell Oli to keep his trap shut, will you?” I nod my agreement and Carson leaves.

I stare at the ticket in my hand and wonder just how naughty we’re going to be allowed to be at the club on Halloween. Does our room have locks? Will she allow me more than simple touches?

The better question is, will I be able to control myself and hold back?

Chapter Six


Halloween - One Week Later.

“Hey Marcy?” I poke my head in The Secret Garden owner’s office and see her sitting behind her desk.

“What’s up Eden?” She waves me in. It’s one of the many things I love about working here, Marcy and her husband aren’t just the boss, they give a damn.

“I’d like to do the last show tonight.” I don’t normally request it, because I like being home at a decent hour for Oli, but this time, Carson is still here. He can be the parent for a couple days.

“Sure. Any particular reason?” She meets my gaze with a knowing look. I’ve been gushy all week since Jack has stacked his claim. Almost everyone is on a first name basis with him now. Marcy included. She likes that he doesn’t interfere when one of the customers gets too handsy, he lets the bouncers do their jobs.

“Jack has my ticket tonight. I’d like to bring him up on stage for a dance.”

“Really?” I nod. “He brings out quite the siren in you, doesn’t he? Two is last dance tonight, the stage is yours.” Her grin is wide as I thank her and walk back out.

Two is perfect because Jack won’t be here until the party starts at eleven. I have just over three hours to get on stage twice and work the room a couple times. Tips are my saving grace in this business. They pay more than three quarters of my salary, so I’m always certain to walk the room at least three times a night.

“Eady!” Raine, one of the other dancers closest to my age calls as I walk past the dressing room. “Help me with this?”

“Sure thing.” I wander in to see she’s got on a button up corset with pearl buttons in the back and she can’t reach the last few at the top. “Is Drake your ticket tonight?” Her boyfriend has never been here before and she’d talked about giving it to him previously.

“He is. I can’t wait! We’ve got the Ivy room booked and I promised him a complete strip tease.” The Ivy room is filled with all kinds of flowers to draw men in and I’m not shocked it’s the one she chose.

“Have fun!” I slap her ass as I walk out to make my first rounds for the night. Anticipation strums through me as I watch the clock a little too often.

After my first dance is done as group of young guys around my age enters and I grab a handful of half masks before walking over to them. “Good evening gentlemen, my name is Eden and for one hour only, I’m all yours.” The last word is barely out of my mouth as one of the men turns and I recognize him from my senior class.

Thankfully the strobe lights are low and continuously flashing so I can get my mask in place before he recognizes me.

“Eden huh, from Adam and Eve. Does this mean we get to eat your apples?” His friends howl with laughter at his corny joke. I roll my eyes and fight the urge to not smack him.

“Sorry boys,” I lean forward to hand them each a mask, “No touching.” They groan their displeasure and I’m able to sidestep one guys hand Copyright 2016 - 2024