Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,14

our pleasure crest too quickly.

“I love you, Mrs. Lynch.” I hiss into her mouth as I devour her scream of pleasure, which sets off my own as she tightens around me, milking every drop of cum I give her. If she wasn’t pregnant already, she would have been.

“I love you longer, Mr. Lynch,” she whimpers, out of breath.

She’s not wrong. She has loved me longer. She’s given me everything, and for some crazy reason, keeps giving me more.

Without Celeste in my life, I’d be living alone, without the most amazing son in the world, and no happiness or laughter in my life.

Now I’m living it dirty with a wife who likes to keep me on my toes.

The End!

Treat Me

Her eyes Tempt Me.

She looks like sin.

She dances like an angel.

His hands Tease Me.

He watches with a dark stare.

He touches as if he owns me.

She was my student.

He was my principal.

She won’t let me go.

He can’t walk away.

Trick or Treat

It’s time to


Chapter One


“Come on man, just one dance. A little fun. You gotta let loose!” I stare at Ethan Underwood—the history teacher at my high school and a good friend—as he begs me to accept his offer. He’s getting married in three weeks and I’m his best man. Friends since grad school, I only came out of obligation and duty.

“This isn’t my scene Eth.” I mutter as I down another glass of Single Malt and he glares at me. He knows I’m going to do it, but I’m going to be a pain in his ass about it. “Fine.” I mutter and stand up, following him and one of the waitresses working in The Secret Garden—a fancy gentleman’s club downtown—as I wonder how quickly I can get this over with.

Even though I’m the best man, Ethan’s brother Max is the one who set up the bachelor party for him when I expressed no interest in doing it. I don’t even know why he wants me to be his best man and not his brother.

“You’re lucky, tonight you get our very own Eden.” The waitress grins like the name should do something for me. Other than being a great play on words, I couldn’t care less.

“Thanks.” I mutter as she leaves with Ethan following behind like a lost puppy as I sit in the lone chair in the room.

I’m shocked at its comfort and size. At over six feet tall and still fit for my thirty-nine years old, it’s not easy to find furniture this nice to sit in.

“Welcome to the Secret Garden and enjoy your time with Eden.” A sexy voice whispers over a speaker hidden somewhere in the room.

As music begins to play a slow beat, a woman comes through a curtain from the side. She’s in black thigh high stalking’s, white heels, and has a silk wrap covering her body. My cock jumps as I eye fuck her body.

I’m old, not dead.

That doesn’t mean I’m not shocked by my response to the woman. Hell, I haven’t had any interest since my last breakup—four years ago. There’s only been one woman since then I’ve been interested in and she’s off limits.

Not that I’ll ever see her again. She had big dreams.

Eden sways closer, spinning in slow sensual circles around my seat in the middle of the room. She has a masquerade mask covering the upper half of her face and her dark locks fall in curled ribbons down her back. The woman knows how to move and entice a man.

I’m lost in the sexy fog of her presence and I don’t realize the slow song has switched to a faster one until she’s straddling my lap.

“No touching.” Her husky voice breaths in my ear.

“No promises.” I growl as I dig my fingers into the chair arms.

I can feel the heat of her cunt just centimeters above my throbbing dick as she sways back and forth. Teasing the beast, I’m desperately trying to rein in.

“You sound like a monster.” Her purred words only intensify the growling in the back of my throat. “I bet your wife loves it.”

“No wife.” I bite out through a clenched jaw. I’d like to rip the black negligee she’s wearing off with my teeth.

“Girlfriend then. A big bad boy like you can’t possibly be single.” She stands and turns, sits right in my fucking lap and grinds her voluptuous ass into my cock while leaning against my chest and staring up at me through the fucking mask.

“Single.” I bite out the single word, trying to concentrate Copyright 2016 - 2024