Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,13

is her first love.

Dad glares at a shocked Martin.

“Say something, boy!”

He smacks the back of Martin’s head and that seems to pull him out of his surprised state.

“Pregnant?” Martin mutters. I’m not sure how to take his reaction. He talks about a baby all the time. I suppose I thought he’d be excited.

“I didn’t plan for it to happen,” I whisper when he still remains silent. Tears hover on my eyes and my Dad gets angry.

Standing in front of Martin, he grips his shoulders and shakes him a little—okay, a lot—and hard.

“Listen up, Detective, if you don’t give this girl that smile I know you’re holding back and kiss her like you want to annoy me, I’m going to shoot you with your own gun.”

Dad’s threat works.

“I’m sure something in there was illegal, but I just don’t give a fuck,” Martin growls as he pushes Dad away and strides the three feet towards me and picks me up in his arms.

“It’s about fucking time to make you Celeste Lynch, don’t you think?”

His words are harsh, but the happiness, masked by a sheen of tears in his blue eyes, screams his joy over my surprise.

“I really do,” I whisper back, kissing him before he has the chance to kiss me. For once, I take control and devour his lips. I dip my tongue in his mouth and suck roughly before I bite him.

“I love you, Martin,” I murmur.

“I love you too, Celeste.” He breathes into my neck, holding me tight to his body.

Epilogue Two


“Martin, did you hear me?” Celeste’s voice is far away. Or at least it feels like it.

“What is with you and graduation day?” Onyx laughs.

“It’s not my fault!” she defends. It’s not. At least, I don’t think it is.

“You broke him this time.” Her father laughs. “Son, you still with us?”

“Sergeant Martin Lynch, if you don’t respond, I’m calling an ambulance and having you committed.”

Celeste’s threat makes me blink slowly.

“Hi, baby.” She whispers to me the same way she does with our three-year-old son, Caleb.

Clearing my throat, I grip Celeste’s hand, and tell everyone, “Excuse us. We have somewhere to be.” Like our bed.

“Congratulations!” I hear everyone screaming behind us, but I don’t fucking care. Celeste is damn lucky I have a siren on my car—to race home—or I’d be tanning her ass as soon as we walk through the door.

“Are you going to say something?” she whispers beside me as I maneuver through the streets to our home.


“Are you happy?”

“I will be when I get inside you.”

“Martin.” She sighs in that way she does when she needs me. When she’s so horny it’s fucking painful.

I’m barely in the garage of our house and the door is just coming down as she strips off her gown, lifts her dress—no fucking panties—and sits in my lap.

“We’re having a baby, Martin.”

She smiles that secret smile that tells me her soul is happy.

“I couldn’t be fucking happier.”

Pulling the zipper of my slacks down, I don’t bother with the button as my cock springs free and aims right for where he always wants in.

She sits completely in my lap, sucking my dick into her tightness, and we both sigh with pleasure.

“Do you think Caleb will be happy?” she worries as she rocks back and forth.

“Woman, the only thing I’m concerned with right now is this tight little cunt of yours wrapped around my dick.”

Pushing my seat back, I grip her hips and help her rock along my length. The sounds of our loving are the only noises around us.

The scent drowns us both in ecstasy as Celeste sighs and moans into my neck as I do all the work.

“Oh, daddy,” she whimpers into my ear.

“Fuck, baby. Why’d you wait until the ceremony to tell me? We could have celebrated nicely before. Where I could have taken my time?”

Caleb was fast asleep on his grandma’s lap when I hauled his momma out of there. As soon as he wakes up and notices she’s gone, all hell will break loose.

Our son does not like to share her.

Neither do I. But I have to with the little tyrant. He’s too much like me some days.

“Because I like when you’re worked up like this.” Her words catch and I know she’s about to come.

“Tell me again,” I demand.

“You’re gonna be a daddy again.”

She does that breathy thing with her voice when she says daddy and I can’t control my reaction. I move her faster on my lap and soon we’re both trying to keep from letting Copyright 2016 - 2024