Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,11

the back of my head with the pleasure rushing through me. I know I’m going to come soon. I won’t last long with her innocent little mouth taking all she can.

“Get up here and ride daddy like a good girl,” I demand, a sharp bite to my tone.

She pouts as she slowly allows my dick to drop from her mouth with a soft pop. Climbing up my body, I see she’s just as clothed as me. Sitting over the top of my eager cock, she pulls her shorts and panties to the side and sits down on my length. A soft sigh escapes her swollen lips.

Rotating her hips in small circles, I’m sure she’s trying to bring on my death.

“Celeste, stop fucking moving.”

This fucking girl. Always pushing my damn buttons.

“Sorry, daddy.” She sucks one side of her lip in her mouth and tilts her head to the side. Her expression conveys her apology; her eyes, however, are devious and filled with her amusement.

“Ride it like it’s your last dick for life,” I demand. Grasping her thighs, I squeeze tightly until she tries to squirm out of my hold.

“Yes, daddy.” Her whisper is broken off when I lift my hips up into her bouncing frame.

Her tight little pussy eats up every thrust and I know we’re both so close to letting go. Covered up by clothes, I miss the flush that breaks out on her chest as she’s about to reach her precipice, so my dick is shocked when it’s strangled in her desires.

Celeste’s scream echoes around the room as I roll her over to her back and slam mercilessly in and out of her greedy cunt. Pushing her past her comfort zone and forcing another orgasm on her as I let loose my own release as close to her womb as my dick can get.

“Fuck, Celeste…” I groan into her ear, sucking the lobe into my mouth.

Out of breath and completely sated, I roll to the side, taking her with me. I make love to her mouth, dipping my tongue in and out with slow strokes as if I were back in her pussy again.

“Hi,” she whispers as I pull away, a grin covering her face.

“Good morning.” Brushing the hair back from her face, I tell her, “We have to talk to your parents today. Get shit squared away so they understand I’m here for the rest of my life.”

She looks shell shocked at my proclamation. “Forever?” Her voice is so quiet I almost don’t hear the word, but her gaze says it all.

“I love you, Celeste. Have for far longer than I’m allowed to admit.”

“Do you remember the first time we met?” she asks.

“Hard not to.” I laugh. “You spilled an entire pitcher of lemonade in my lap.” A blush covers her cheeks.

“I’ve loved you since then. You didn’t get mad; you didn’t scream and treat me like some dumb teenager. You laughed and helped me clean up the mess.” She looks away shyly at first. “You pushed my hair behind my ears, and told me chin up, there were worse things that could happen in the world.”

“You were, what, sixteen?”

Christ, I’m a sick man.

“Yeah. My love for you then was nothing compared to the obsession it is now. If you hadn’t challenged me a few days ago, taken control, I’m not sure I’d have had the courage to follow through on my seduction.”

“You would have, baby. You were made for me.”

Leaning forward, I lay kisses along her lips, jaw, and neck, loving every single sigh and moan to pass her lips as I touch her.

“Come on, let’s get showered and go talk to your parents.”

With a groan, she allows me to pull her from bed and into the shower, where we make love again, and once more as we’re supposed to be getting dressed. This woman is going to be the death of my dick and I can’t fucking wait.


Taking a deep breath for courage, I knock on the door of my lifelong home and pray I’m going to be able to get through this unscathed.

“Celeste?” My father opens the door. “Why in the world are you knocking?”

He scowls when he sees Martin beside me with a hand on my back.

“Because I wasn’t sure I would be welcome.”

His eyes widen, and I feel momentarily guilty for my doubts.

“You will always be welcome in your home,” he says, opening the door to prove it.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to do this, but I figure going as normal Copyright 2016 - 2024