Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,10

spoken to them about it, but they knew. Dad looks embarrassed. Mom takes another drink.

“You don’t know, do you? You don’t know anything about me. You’re always drinking, Mom.” I look at the drink in her hand pointedly. “And you, Dad, you’re working or golfing, or planning your next trip that never involves me. Nothing ever involves me. I’m a burden, so tell me, why should I even listen to you? Why should I stay?”

They say nothing.

“I’ll be next door. You can call Martin’s captain and apologize for the trouble you’ve caused and come find me when you can be civil and understanding of my needs.”

Jesus, when did I turn into the parent?

Rushing upstairs, I grab a sweater and head out the back door to Martin’s. I know he left, because I heard his car squeal out of here, but I hope he’ll be back soon.

The night is cool for late spring, and I even enjoy the slight breeze with the leftover heat of the day. It makes it so I’m not too cold or hot. Grabbing a blanket from the bench off Grace’s back porch, I walk around to the front and sit on one of the rocking chairs they have out there. Draping the blanket across my lap, I close my eyes and wait for Martin’s return.

I know I was doubtful of who and what we are to each other yesterday, but last night and today only confirmed what I secretly wanted.

We’re a couple.

He’s said it multiple times, and when he’s been making love to me, I could see the love in his stare. I only hope he saw it reflected back at him. Martin Lynch is the man I want to spend my life loving, and I have no doubt he feels the same way.


I’m pissed. Raging fucking mad as I pull into Onyx and Grace’s driveway. My intent is to head over to Celeste’s and set her parents straight. I’m going to give them a huge fucking piece of my mind.

That was the plan.

Until I see her.

Celeste Davis.

Asleep in the chair on the front porch. A blanket covering her legs, looking comfy as can be. Heading up the sidewalk instead, I reach down and enfold her in my arms.

“Marty?” she whispers, her sleepy eyes gazing up at me.

“Yeah, baby.”

I kiss her forehead gently and carry her inside after fumbling with the lock. Kicking the door shut behind me, I go straight upstairs for my room.

“I’m sorry I got you in trouble,” she murmurs as I lay her gently on the bed.

Untying her shoes, I pull them off her feet and toss them in a corner as I toe my own off too. Crawling in bed behind her, I pull Celeste into my chest. “You didn’t, babe. Your parents did, and lucky for me, my captain and sergeant know me well enough to understand who I am.”

“Okay.” Her words are slurred as she struggles to stay awake.

“Sleep, Celeste. We’ll figure it out in the morning.”

My mind is going a million miles a minute on how this is going to work for us while she’s still in school. It doesn’t bother me; however, I don’t want her relationship with her parents strained.

Just because I’m in her life doesn’t mean I don’t want anyone else there either. I want the best for Celeste. For her, I’ll make peace with the dirty accusations her parents made against me and push them behind us.

But they’re dead wrong if they think I’m going to let her go. This girl is mine. As soon as I can show her that we’re it for each other, I’m going to put a ring on her finger and, eventually, a baby in her belly.

Chapter Six


Either I’m dreaming or I’ve just had the most wonderful wet dream of my fucking life.

“Martin,” Celeste’s soft voice calls to me in my dreams and when my eyes open, I see I’m neither dreaming nor hallucinating.

The girl is, in fact, between my legs, zipper down, dick out, and she’s licking up and down like it’s her favorite lollipop.

“Baby.” I groan when she wraps her lips around the tip, sucking the tiniest bit.

“Baby.” I hiss again as she devours my cock to the back of her throat while holding my gaze in a fierce grasp.


Gripping both hands in her soft locks, I tug, trying to get her to crawl up my body, but she won’t budge and sucks harder, swallowing the tip of my dick in her throat. My eyes roll to Copyright 2016 - 2024