Name From a Hat Trick - L.A. Witt Page 0,72

light, low noise, et cetera?”

“Yes. Exactly.”


“I mean, wouldn’t that be great? Having more events so fans who can’t come to games can at least see some hockey?”

He pursed his lips. “The club might have some concerns about the costs.” Richard glanced at his watch again, and we stopped in front of the elevator. Jabbing the up button, he turned to me. “Events are costly, but they’re not as bad when the concessions aren’t running and only the stadium lights are on. But there’s still employees, ice surfacing…” He blew out a breath but smiled. “As long as the facts and figures aren’t too daunting, I think it it’s a great idea.” He clapped my arm. “In fact, you’d be a great spokesman for it.”

My heart dropped into my stomach at the same time my pulse spiked. “The spokes—oh, no. No, no, no. That’s not me.”

“Hey, this is your baby.” He grinned. “Who better to be the face of it all?”

“I, um… Look, put me on all the posters and promotional material you want, but the spokesman gig?” Grimacing, I shook my head.

Richard frowned. “Look, I feel you, okay? And putting it together one time without needing to do any promo? Easy. But what you’re asking for—kid, I’m already scheduled to hell and back.” The elevator opened, and as he stepped inside, he added, “I can promote this and market it, but I do not have the time to stand in front of cameras or meetings.”

The thought of standing in front of even one camera made me want to gag. “Um…”


“A spokesman? Me?”

He eyed me, then shrugged. “It’s your call, Kelly. I’m happy to get the ball rolling on this, but I only have so much time. Find me a spokesman, and then we’ll talk.”

The doors closed before I could respond, and I stood there, lips apart and eyes wide.

A spokesman. Fuck.

Kuznetsov didn’t have time. I didn’t have the stomach. But if I wanted this thing to happen…

Son of a bitch.

Devin came by that night, and like we usually did when we got together, we wound up naked in bed before long. By the time we came up for air, we were both drenched in sweat, and I felt amazing. Always did when Devin got his hands on me. My days of wondering why people were so into sex were a distant memory—I loved sex now.

“I should take you along on road trips,” I said as we lounged in my rumpled bed. “You’d make the nights between games so much more relaxing.”

Devin laughed, cuddling up next to me and resting his head on my chest. “I’m pretty sure I’d get fired for that.”

“Hmm.” I nuzzled his hair. “I could pay you.”

“Isn’t that prostitution?”

“Oh. Fuck. Yeah, I guess it is.”

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Our conversations took ridiculous turns like that sometimes, and I loved it. I loved being this at ease with someone. In fact, it really would have been great to take him along on road trips if that were possible. God knew he’d probably keep me saner than I kept myself.

Or he’ll get to see what happens when I fall apart.

Hmm, yeah. Scratch that. I’ll just see him when I’m home.

I pressed a kiss to his temple. “So, hey, I talked to the head of the team’s PR department about doing something for kids like Dallas. More exhibition games. Stuff like that.”

Devin pushed himself up and looked at me with wide eyes. “Oh yeah? What did they say?”

“The director is onboard. The problem…” I chewed my lip.

His face fell. “What?”

“He wants me to be the spokesman.”

Devin blinked. “That’s… That’s good, isn’t it?” He cocked his head. “Why isn’t it good?”

I swallowed. “Man, I can’t be a spokesman for something. Have you noticed they never have me get up in front of people? There’s a reason for that.”

“But you did when Dallas and I came that first night.”

“Yeah, but there were two of you. And I still almost puked beforehand.”

“You did?”

Avoiding his gaze as heat rushed into my face, I nodded. “If there had been even two or three more people there that night, I guarantee I’d have had someone else do the intro. I just… I wanted to do it for her since I know she’s a fan, but…” I shook my head and laughed nervously. “My mom says it’s stage fright or something. I can play hockey in front of thousands of people, but make me speak in front of ten, and… No. Just, Copyright 2016 - 2024