Name From a Hat Trick - L.A. Witt Page 0,71

picked up my small duffel bag. “Shut up.”

Chuckling, I shut the trunk lid, gathered everything else, and headed for the elevators. We exchanged a few glances, both of us grinning, and goddamn, I couldn’t wait to touch him. Not out here where there were security cameras, and definitely not in the elevators. As much as I’d fantasized about pushing him up against one of those mirrors and making out with him or even blowing him, there were cameras in the elevator too. I didn’t need to give the security guys something to gossip about. Or give the lady in charge of the HOA a heart attack.

But as soon as we were upstairs and safely in my condo, I put my bags down, hooked a finger in Devin’s belt, curved a hand behind his neck and kissed him, and…

Holy fuck.

It was still mind-blowing that I’d ever questioned—or hadn’t known at all—that I was attracted to men. The way Devin’s body felt against mine, the low, masculine sounds he made while we stood there in the hall and kissed—oh, yeah. Hundred percent gay over here. And a hundred and ten percent into this man in particular.

After a long, long kiss, Devin grinned up at me, and he was a little out of breath as he said, “Hello to you too.”

“What can I say?” I smoothed his hair. “I missed you.”

“Uh-huh. I got that impression.” He kissed me again, lightly this time. When he met my eyes, his face was a bit more serious. “By the way, was there something you wanted to talk about? Seemed like you had something on your mind the other night.”

I considered it, but I really didn’t want to ruin this. I felt amazing tonight, and I wanted to enjoy it. Maybe that made me a coward. Or a train wreck. Or someone with something he was terrified to lose.

Whatever it was, I shook my head. “Nah. It’s all good. I was just overthinking some things, I guess.”

He didn’t seem convinced. “You sure?”

“Yeah. It’s fine.” I smiled, hoping he couldn’t feel the way my heart had sped up. When I was on an even keel, the last thing I wanted to think about was not being on an even keel.

I thought he’d push, but he finally shrugged and wrapped his arms around my neck. “Well, if there is something, just say the word.”

Pulling him close, I murmured, “Will do.”

I honestly didn’t know if I was lying. Being with him was just so, so good. Everything felt so right. I needed to tell him about everything that went on in my head, but I wasn’t ready for that yet. I wanted him to see me like this a few more times before he knew what happened when my own head got the best of me.

Just give me a little more time to figure out how to tell you.

First let me show you that I’m worth it.

It was a few days before I had a chance to broach the subject of low stimulation events with the front office. Kuznetsov was nearly always scheduled within an inch of his life when the team was in town, so I was on my own for this. Nervous? Me? Not at all.

At the open door of Richard’s office, I paused for a deep breath. His back was to me as he rifled through a file cabinet.

Clearing my throat, I tapped a knuckle on the door frame. “Hey, Richard?”

The PR guy spun around, a pen in his mouth. “Hmm?”

“Do you have a minute for me to run something by you?”

He checked his watch, and my heart sank. He was always in a hurry, so—

“I’ve got about five minutes.” He tucked a couple of folders and a tablet under his arm and started for the door. “Walk with me. What’s on your mind?”

With a little surge of panic, I followed him out of the office. As we headed down the hall, Richard walking so fast even I struggled to keep up with him, I said, “You remember that thing we did for the girl who couldn’t come to games because of her migraines?”

Richard nodded. “Mmhmm.”

“So, I was talking to her dad…” Heat rushed into my cheeks, as if he’d suddenly know everything about when, where, and why I’d been talking to Devin, but then I cleared my throat and continued. “There are probably a lot of other kids out there with similar issues who’d really like to come to games. Adults too.”

“So, more of the low Copyright 2016 - 2024