Name From a Hat Trick - L.A. Witt Page 0,50

him close, and I was out of breath before our lips even met, and once they did, we sank together, wrapped up in each other as we made out and touched.

It had been weeks since I’d kissed Devin in my car, and now—finally—we were tangling up in bed together. I was nervous, but we were naked, and all I could think about was how he felt against me and how his kiss made my head spin.

I’d had plenty of sex in my life, but it had never been like this. Not even close. I’d always been kind of meh about it, convinced if I just went through the motions, it would be as good as everyone said it was. And sometimes it was fun. It felt good. Orgasms were great.

But oh my God, I had never felt like this before.

This was what people meant when they said sex left them gasping and shaking. This was what it felt like for a simple touch to send electricity zinging under my skin. This was being so turned on my head spun and my toes curled.

Devin’s lips skating along the side of my neck had me gasping and arching like he was deep-throating my cock. We’d barely done anything yet, and I was sure I was one well-timed kiss away from coming. Had I ever been turned on like this before? Not that I could remember. And it didn’t matter—I was this turned on now, and Devin seemed like he fully intended to do something about that.

Devin pushed himself up on his arms and met my gaze. Then he laughed softly and shook his head.


“Nothing.” He met my eyes again as he moistened his lips, and he blushed a little as he said, “I just… I still can’t believe you’re here.”

“Tell me about it.” I trailed my palms up his sides. “This is mind-blowing for me. Actually being with a man.”

“Yeah, but I’m still trying to get my head around being with Jase Kelly.”

I laughed. “I’m just a guy who happens to play hockey, man.”

“Oh, no. You’re more than that.” He came down and brushed his lips across mine. “Way more than that.” Before I could answer, he kissed me full-on, and I didn’t bother trying to talk him out of being starstruck. In a way, I was a little starstruck—this ridiculously attractive guy had made it past all my awkwardness and stumbling, and he wanted me like this? Holy shit.

Hands slid over skin as we made out in the middle of my bed. Somehow, we shifted around, and his hips settled between my thighs, and wow, that was sexy. Especially when he rocked his hips slightly and rubbed his erection against mine. Just being that close to another man’s hard dick made me dizzy as fuck. I had never even imagined how hot it would be to feel the thick, hard ridge rubbing against me, or how much the brush of stubble or a long, masculine groan would turn me on.

The heat of his naked body pressed to mine made my heart go wild. I’d been fantasizing about this for days, and for the first time in my life, reality beat my fantasies by a mile. What I’d thought were hunger and attraction in the past—I didn’t know what the hell they were because this was hunger and attraction. I couldn’t get enough of his kiss, or of exploring his gorgeous body with my hands and mouth. I’d always weirdly imagined a man’s body as hard and solid, but now my palms and fingertips were sliding all over soft skin while equally soft lips explored my neck and the underside of my jaw.

The only thing hard were the two erections pinned between us as we made out and groped. Sometimes muscles were tense and firm under my fingertips, but it was the soft warmth of his skin that had me craving more.

How did I ever doubt for a second that I am one hundred percent gay?

I was still worried I wouldn’t be good, but there was really nothing to be bad at right now. We were just kissing and touching—it was as easy as it was amazing.

And now I was feeling a little bold and wanted to push myself a bit. I slid a hand between us, and we both gasped as I closed my fingers around Devin’s hard-on. I stroked him, and it was so surreal to have my hand on someone else’s cock.

I’d been worried about how I’d literally measure Copyright 2016 - 2024