My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,9

his ultimate turn-on, and before I could take the words back, it was too late—-

His other arm had wrapped around me, his fingers splaying behind my bare back as he pulled me close, and oh God, even this most basic of touches was too much now, and I could feel my senses reeling out of control.

I tried to struggle one last time, but he was too strong, and I found myself holding my breath, preparing myself for the moment he'd kiss me and all would be lost.

Any moment now...

Oh God...

And then...

He twisted me around in the last second, and a startled gasp escaped me when I suddenly found myself facing the couple at the other table, my back pressed against his chest. His fingers slid inside my panties just as his breath caressed my ear.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

And then his head was dipping low, his lips closing over the frantically beating pulse in my neck—-

Oh God.

The strobe lights passed our table, illuminating our faces for a fraction of time...just as the woman seated only a few feet away absently glanced at our direction.

Oh God.

The strobe lights moved to the woman's table, this time illuminating the look of shock on her face as she took on the sight of the SOB sucking on my neck like a bloody vampire while he continued to work on my pussy under my dress.

"Someone's seen us, you ass—-"

But this only had him chuckling against my skin. "Even better." The movement of his fingers started to quicken. "You'll come faster that way."



But by then it was too late.

The way he was sucking on my neck...and the way he was stroking my flesh...all the while feeling the other woman gaping at me...

Oh God, oh God.

I squeezed my eyes shut in a last-ditch effort to stay in control, but it was just too much. Everything was too new, and he was just too good.

Oh Gooooooooooooooooood.

The whole world seemed to spin out of control as I felt myself start to orgasm, and I couldn't even think of resisting as he pulled me harder against him. It was strange and addictive, this feeling of having something thick and creamy gush out of me and coating his fingers...and as the shudders marginally faded, and I felt him carefully withdraw his fingers—-

My eyes drifted open when I felt him lift his head, and that was when I heard it: the sound of him licking my cum of his fingers, right next to my ear. My brain kinda short-circuited after that, and I found myself dizzily submitting to his commands.

When he told me to open my legs, I did so without question, and I could only squeeze my eyes shut once again as I felt him clean me under my dress with his handkerchief. I heard the woman from the other table mutter 'unbelievable' under her breath, and I was torn between shame and resignation.

She probably thought I was a slut, and I couldn't exactly blame her, could I?

"All done, habibti." The sheikh smoothed my dress down as he spoke, and I let him hold my hand and help me down the bar bench.

As we walked past the other table, I couldn't help glancing at the woman's direction, couldn't help wondering if I'd catch her sneering at me...but what I saw instead was her staring at me...with envy.

"Unbelievable." My turn to say it under my breath, and it wasn't even because I was mocking her or anything.

The sheikh glanced down at me. "What's unbelievable?"

Before I could answer, someone had called my name out, and the voice was terribly familiar.


Oh no.

"Is that you?"

Anyone but her, dammit.

"Stop pretending you didn't hear me. I know it's you, Story."

The teasing note in the woman's voice had me biting back a groan, and when the sheikh was about to turn us both around to face her, I quickly latched on to his arm. "No, don't. Ignore her—-"

But it was already too late.

My club advisor was already tapping me on the shoulder. "There's no point hiding, you guys."


"Damen said I was mistaken, but I recognized you two the moment we came in."

The sheikh stiffened, and so did I.

A second later, and both of us had turned sharply to face each other, and the incredulous question in his gaze pretty much mirrored mine.

You know Mairi Tanner-Leventis?'s me, Johnny.

I need to talk to you. I'll call you tonight at ten?

Message received at 0641h from an unidentified number

Chapter Three

"You can drop me here." I half-expected the sheikh to ignore my Copyright 2016 - 2024