My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,8

didn't give him a chance to pick up where we left off and instead changed the subject right away, asking, "Why do you have to do this?"

"Fucking you?"

My teeth gnashed as I counted to three.

"And filling your womb with my cum?"

I went on counting to ten...twenty...but when I saw him smirking, I simply couldn't take it anymore. I took a deep breath, prepared to give him a good mouthful...but instead I found the wind knocked out of my sails when he suddenly spoke.

"I think I've forgotten to inform you, habibti. The apartment I've arranged for your use is ready, and I'll need you to move in within the week."

I nearly ended up throwing my cup of coffee at his face. "Excuse me?"

He took the coffee cup out of my hands before answering, and wisely so, since his next words were pretty much designed to have me blow my top. "I'm working on a very tight deadline. It's imperative that you bear my child as soon as possible."


He needed to knock me up fast...because of a fucking DEADLINE?

My hand was up before I could think about what I was doing, and I would've slapped his face in the next moment if he hadn't caught my wrist in time. I saw the gleam in his gaze and realized right away that he had been expecting me to try and hurt him...because he had been goading me.


"No wonder you need to pay someone to bear your kid," I raged. "Are you so fucking bored that you only get a kick out of degrading—-"

"It's only with you," he interrupted silkily, "that I'm like this."

"Fuck you." I tried yanking my hand out of his hold, but it was just impossible.

"I can't stop thinking how angry sex with you would be amazing—-"

"God, you're such an ass!" I made another attempt to free my right hand out of his grip, but when this failed, and I was still seeing red—-


I saw him wince as my kitten-heeled shoe landed hard on his foot, but my success was short-lived. I didn't even have time to crow or snicker, and the only warning I had was his dark eyes glinting as he purred, "You will love paying for that, my Story."

Did he just say I was going to love—-AAH!

The good news: he finally let go of my right hand.

The bad news: he only did order to put his hand under my dress.

My back shot up in an instant, and as heat flared in my cheeks, I literally felt feverish and dizzy for a second, just thinking about the fact that his hand was against my bare thigh under my dress, his thumb dangerously close to the edge of my underwear, while!

"Get your hand off my body, damn you." I was careful to keep my voice low despite my anger and mortification. The restaurant was dimly lit, sure, but with those incandescent strobe lights passing by our table every so often, it would only take one instance, just one fucking instance for the couple seated on my right to glance our way while the lights were on us—-

And then I felt it, his fingers crawling up—-

What the fuck?

My horrified gaze flew up to his, and dark eyes glittered back at me. "Tell me, habibti," he invited silkily. "Do you think I shall find your pussy all soft and wet?"

Before I could even think of jerking away, his fingers had already reached my most secret part—-


I barely managed to stifle my gasp as his fingers stroked my swollen folds, and I could feel myself drowning in a mixture of shame and pleasure as I felt myself growing wet...until the thin barrier of cotton that separated his fingers from my flesh became completely drenched.




A sensual jolt electrified my body every time his fingers caressed my quivering folds, and I found myself gripping the edges of the table. "Stop it—-"

But this only made the asshole exert just a bit more pressure with his strokes, to the point that it was almost as if he was kneading my pussy, and oh God, it was all I could do not to cry out as the pleasure grew tenfold.

"I'm a man of my word, habibti," he said gently. "I told you that you'd enjoy paying for your little act of rebellion, did I not?"

"Fuck you." The words were out before I could stop myself, and when I saw his nostrils flare...fuck, fuck, fuck! I had forgotten what he had said earlier. Making me mad was Copyright 2016 - 2024