My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,44


My head whipped around to look at Noah, who was still focused on Keith. I decided once the man was off the stage, I’d pester and irritate my boyfriend as much as I needed to to get him into that contest.

“The contest is called “Grayson Idol” and will take place on this very stage in thirty minutes. Anyone who is interested in performing should come to the tables set up along the side of the stage. Registration will end twenty minutes from now.”

Many people rose from the ground to head towards the tables. “Shew, I love the enthusiasm, folks,” Keith applauded. “But I haven’t even told you what you’re competing for! Third place winner will receive one hundred dollars cash. Second place will receive two hundred fifty dollars, and first prize will be five hundred dollars cash and two sessions at Hot Tracks, a top recording studio downtown.”

A flurry of excitement swept over the crowd. Enthusiastic conversations broke out all around us and several more people jogged to the entry tables. “Remember, folks; you have twenty minutes. Then registration will be closed and the competition will begin promptly at six thirty.” Keith left the stage and I once again looked at Noah.

“So, are you going to go sign up or do I need to go forge your name?”

Noah huffed a laugh and gave me a pretty smile. “I’d like to sing; the Rhinestone kind of has me hooked on performing, but I also don’t want to cut into our time together.”

“Sunshine, don’t you remember what I said about not wanting to hold you back?”

“And don’t you remember what I said about never thinking that? I just meant I’m happy to stay right here cuddled up with you while we listen to everyone else.”

“I don’t want to listen to everyone else,” I shrugged. “I want to listen to you.” His smile told me I almost had him convinced. I sighed. “Plus, if it will make you feel better, I’ll let you spend your winnings on me.”

Noah tipped his head back and laughed. “Oh, so that’s what this is about; you just want me for my money.”

“Damn straight.”

Noah laughed harder, knowing I was just messing with him. He had the best sense of humor and the sexiest laugh I’d ever heard. “So what makes you think I’d even get winnings?”

“Um, because I’ve fucking heard you,” I replied like it was obvious. It should have been. “You’re amazing, Noah. Please sing for me. I want all of these other fuckers to watch you on stage and be jealous of me.”

“Of you?” he asked, tipping his head.

“Duh. I’m dating the most talented, sexiest, sweetest man alive. It would be pretty selfish of you to not let me show that off to everyone.”

Noah snorted another laugh. “I love you, you know that?” He kissed my lips and stood up. “Okay, I’ll sing just for you, honeybear. I’ll go sign up and be right back.”

I puffed up in triumph as I watched his cute little ass swish away to the table. Unfortunately, he didn’t come right back; it took several minutes for the line to move along and for him to get registered. Then he had to get a number on his chest and stand in line with the other hopefuls. Poor bastards; they have no idea my man is about to wipe the floor with them. This must have been what Noah was concerned about; we’d be separated at least until he performed and maybe until they announced a winner, but I didn’t mind. I wanted him to have his chance to shine doing something he loved.

Thirty minutes went by in a blink. My back was starting to ache from sitting on the hard ground, so I heaved myself up and tossed away our remaining trash from dinner and returned to stand in my spot just in time to see Keith return to the stage. Once again he tapped the mic and got everyone’s attention.

“Okay everyone, registration is closed and we are ready to begin the competition. Before I announce our first contestant, I’d like to explain the rules. Each contestant will sing one song of their choice. Since the competition was decided upon and announced late, the contestants will not be permitted to use any musical instruments. Not everyone would have had the opportunity to retrieve one in time for the competition to begin. Next year, this rule will be different.”

Damn. Too bad Noah can’t showcase his guitar skills too. Oh well, he’s still Copyright 2016 - 2024