My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,43

had plenty of time before the show.

Noah’s grin widened. “I like the way you think. Actually, I’m pretty sure being twenty minutes late wouldn’t hurt if you want to suck me too.”

I pulled him inside and pushed the door closed behind him. Twenty four minutes, two mind-scrambling blowjobs and two satisfied grins later, we finally left for the event, sparklers in hand.


“Fuck, this place is packed,” I grumped after Noah parked his car in the busy lot and we walked toward the large grassy field where the food trailers and stage were set up. People were everywhere; kids ran around screaming like they were on fire but were actually apparently having fun, parents chased them with smiles on their faces for some reason, and there were huge lines in front of the smelly portable toilets.

“Do you want to go?” Noah asked seriously.

Shit, I’m doing it again. “No, I want to be here with you.” I squeezed his hand. “Sorry, I’m just being cranky.”

“Surely not,” he teased, bumping his shoulder against mine. I snorted a laugh. “But I thought I sucked all of the cranky out of you before we left.”

“Oh, is that what it was for?” I smirked. “Well, this place is pretty busy; I may need another treatment later.”

“I think that can be arranged,” he winked. This was probably my favorite part of our relationship; we teased each other effortlessly. Things between us were comfortable and easy. My fears about us not working out had long since disappeared. Even if I slipped up and had a day of being a cranky bastard, I knew Noah wouldn’t get frustrated and walk away. Instead, he always cheered me up. “But for now, how about we grab something to eat?”

“Wait, isn’t that the same thing?”

Noah laughed and shook his head. “Not another protein shake; I need something deep fried.” I laughed (which was something I now did often) and led him to the food trucks.

Ten minutes later, our arms were full of cheese fries, corn dogs, soda and a huge funnel cake to share. My arteries cried at the sight of all the cholesterol, but I mentally told the whiny bastards they’d be fine. I insisted on paying for the food. That was another thing I appreciated about my boyfriend; I had more than enough money to pay for everything Noah and I did together, and could spoil him rotten (and would do it happily), but he never expected anything from me. He picked up the tab often, and treated our relationship as a true partnership. He never gave a second thought to the money I had in the bank.

Many people were speckled through the field, relaxing and munching on their food truck delicacies. Noah found a grassy patch and plopped his ass down on the ground. He placed his food containers on the ground and held his hands up for mine. Once he got everything situated, he offered me a hand and helped me lower my pudgy ass to the grass.

“This okay?” he asked. He never made fun of me for being slower than him or needing a helping hand now and then due to my size and my back. He just checked to make sure I was comfortable, and it meant the world to me.

“Yep. Now let’s eat; I’m starving.” Noah nodded his agreement and we tore into all of our deep fried goodness.

As we ate, a man walked onto the stage in front of us and stopped at the microphone in the center. He tapped the mic and everyone in the field groaned and flinched when a sharp squeal sounded through the speakers.

“Whoa, sorry about that,” the man offered once the shriek ended. “My name is Keith McMann and I’m your MC for the evening. First of all, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for coming. I’d also like to thank the city of Grayson for putting on another great event. Let’s give a big hand to our city commissioners who are here this evening.” He paused and let everyone in the audience applaud politely. Nobody gave two fucks about the commissioners, but we weren’t Neanderthals.

Keith continued once the dull roar quieted, “Here in about two hours, I’ll be introducing the band that will be entertaining us up until the firework display, but for right now, I’d like to introduce an event that is new this year. As a way to showcase and support our local talent, the commissioners have decided to host a singing Copyright 2016 - 2024