My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,39

mug onto my fingers. “Ow, shit!” I shook my hand in the air and finally freed myself of the sheets to jog after Brooks. I found him in the kitchen, scooting bacon around on a skillet.

“You can’t say that and then walk away!” I exclaimed, stopping right beside him.

“You said it and then puked everywhere,” he shrugged.

“Okay, fair point, but this is a big deal! You love me!”

Brooks smirked at me. “I do.”

“And I love you!”

His smile widened. “You do.”

“We’re in love!”

Brooks snorted. “I think we covered that, Sunshine.” He transferred the bacon onto a plate and turned off the burner. “Come on, eat up.”

I blinked at him before tossing my arms into the air, spilling more coffee onto my hand. “Shit!” I put the mug on the counter and stuck my finger into my mouth until I remembered why I’d thrown my hands up in the first place. “I don’t want bacon! I want you!” I threw my arms around his waist, but Brooks just chuckled and pushed me back.

“Bacon first. And a shower.”

“Oh, right. I do kind of smell. Sorry about that.” I gave him my brightest smile. “Will you at least shower with me?”


“You’re so mean!” I pouted.

“But you still love me.”

The pout melted right off of my face. “I really do.” I puckered my lips and tried to attack him again, but again he pushed me back.

“Breakfast first and then you take your own shower.” I started to protest, but he held up a hand. “If I get you naked, I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you and I want our first time to be more special than bending you over in the shower,” he explained.

“Oh jesus.” I rocked backward on my heels and gripped the counter for support. “This is really happening.”

“Only if you eat your breakfast.”

I grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate he was holding and crammed it into my mouth. Brooks laughed and led me into the living room, where I plopped down onto the sofa and he put the plate of bacon on the coffee table.

“Do you want butter or jelly for your toast?”

Is he serious right now? I don’t give two shits about toast! I knew I had to eat if I wanted lovin’, though. “Just whatever you eat on yours.”

Brooks nodded and went back into the kitchen. He returned a few minutes later carrying two plates. He gave one to me which held two pieces of toast (one buttered and one with strawberry jelly) and two extra strength Tylenol. He sat beside me with the other plate that just held two pieces of bread. He piled it high with bacon and tucked into his sandwich.

“Thank you for this,” I told him after I’d swallowed the pain killers.

“It’s no trouble, Sunshine.”

I put my hand over his and leaned in to kiss his cheek. This time he didn’t stop me. “I really do love you, you know.” I wanted to tell him when I wasn’t drunk off my ass.

“I know. And I really do love you too.” He gave me a greasy bacon kiss and went back to his sandwich.

After eating as quickly as I could without making myself vomit again, I snuck off to the bathroom while Brooks cleaned up the kitchen. The man couldn’t handle leaving a mess.

The combination of coffee, greasy food and Tylenol had me feeling back to normal as I stepped into the shower. My headache was gone and I was energized by the promise of making love with Brooks for the first time. I scrubbed my body with his shower gel that smelled like wood and vanilla, making sure my ass was extra clean. Judging by what Brooks said, he wanted to top, which was fine with me. I’d bend over for that man every damn day.

I dried the beads of water from my body and hair and hung the towel on the rack; I wouldn’t be needing it to cover myself. I gargled some mouthwash I found under the sink and combed my fingers through my mostly dry locks. I was ready.

I entered the kitchen just as Brooks was hanging the towel he’d used to dry off the dishes onto the oven handle. He turned to face me and his eyes widened as they scanned over my naked body. I was already half hard from the thought of making love with my big sexy bear.

Brooks said nothing as he stepped toe to toe with me. He ran his fingers Copyright 2016 - 2024