My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,38

to step out of his shoes and jeans. He was balancing much better now that he’d gotten some of the alcohol out of his system. I pulled down the corner of my already messed up blankets and Noah climbed onto the mattress. When I lay beside him, he slung an arm and a leg overtop of me. I usually wasn’t much of a cuddler, but I wouldn’t have it any other way with him.

“I love you so much, Brooks,” he murmured as he nuzzled his head onto my pillow. “I hope I get to love you every day of my life.” As if he didn’t just completely rock my world, Noah immediately fell asleep and his soft snores filled the room.

I pulled him closer to me and kissed the top of his head. “Me too, Sunshine.”

Chapter Nine


I peeled my eyes open and hissed at the sunlight pouring in through the window. Wait, that’s not my window. I blinked to focus my eyes and stared at the wall. That’s not Jess’ window either. Where am I? I looked around the room for clues. Big bed. TV. Pretty vine design. I’m at Brooks’!

Fragmented memories of the night before flashed through my brain. I came here from the party. I think I hugged my Uber driver. Brooks let me in his bed. I lifted the covers to find I was still dressed in a t-shirt and underwear. Okay, we didn’t do it. Good; I want to remember it.

I heaved myself up into a sitting position and groaned at the pain in my head. It sucked, but it wasn’t as bad as I expected from the amount I drank last night. Did I get sick? I rubbed my forehead and my attention was caught by a quiet chuckle in the doorway. I looked up to find Brooks dressed in gray cargo shorts and a plain black t-shirt. He was ready for the day. “What time is it?”

“Almost one,” he shrugged. “How are you feeling?”

“I think I’m dead,” I answered, rubbing my head again.

Brooks snorted. “Well, lucky for you I have the cure.” He pointed to a mug in his hand and brought it to me in bed.

“Is that coffee? Oh, you big, beautiful man you.”

“And I’ve got bacon frying in the kitchen.”

I moaned around my mouthful of bitter coffee. “Thank you. And I’m sorry for crashing in on you last night.”

“I’m just glad you’re safe. Do you remember anything?”

I took another long drink and searched my mind. “I was dancing with Jess and people were handing me drinks from every direction. Something went down between me and some big asshole and it was really important for me to get to you. The details are fuzzy as to why, but I remember I needed you.”

Brooks gave me a breathtaking lopsided smile. “Apparently the guy got handsy and you told him you had a boyfriend and to leave you alone. He didn’t believe you, so you came to get me, but decided just to stay.” I nodded; hearing it aloud, it all sounded familiar. I took another sip of Brooks’ cure. “Oh, and you confessed your undying love for me.”

I nearly choked to death on my drink of coffee. “Brooks, I’m so sorry,” I croaked out once I was sure I wasn’t dying.

“Because you didn’t mean it,” he said flatly. I couldn’t tell from his blank expression whether he was disappointed or relieved. Either way, he deserved the truth.

“No, I totally meant it. I’m just sorry the first time I told you wasn’t more romantic than me crashing your place and puking on your shoes.” My whole body tensed. “Oh god, I didn’t puke on your shoes, did I?”

“No, but you did a number on my carpet.”

“Shit, Brooks, I’m so sorry. I’ll clean it. Or I’ll pay to have it cleaned. I-” I stopped babbling when Brooks laughed.

“I’m just kidding.” I blinked at him. Since when does my big grump kid? “No, you made it into my apparently very clean toilet.” Brooks laughed again as I grimaced at the thought of what other stupid things I’d said. “Well, I better get back to the bacon before my house burns down.” He patted my shoulder and stepped toward the hall. Once he was in the doorway, he turned to look at me again. “Oh and by the way, I love you too.”

Brooks disappeared, leaving me gaping after him. I jumped ungracefully from the bed, getting my feet tangled up in the sheets. Coffee sloshed out of my Copyright 2016 - 2024