My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,22

a mocking version of Brent’s voice. “I’ll take his ass to the fucking funeral home; how about that?”

I pursed my lips to keep from laughing. “Remember what I said,” I crooned, trying to calm him down. “I don’t want him or anyone else here. Besides, Brent is just being flirty to try to get a big tip.”

“Please don’t say ‘Brent’ and ‘big tip’ in the same sentence,” Brooks pleaded, rubbing his temples. I couldn’t hold my laughter back anymore. My big grump was hilarious without even trying.

“Here we go,” Brent announced as he returned with our drinks. He placed Brooks’ beer bottle in front of him and slid my Coke to me. “Do y’all know what you want to eat?”

“I read your burgers are great,” I smiled at him.

“You’ll love ‘em darlin’. They’re big and meaty and have a warm pink center,” he winked.

“Oh, for the love of god!” Brooks grumbled and I laughed again. I couldn’t help it. Brent winked once more at me; he was egging Brooks on just for the sheer enjoyment.

“Would you like to hear about your choice of...toppings?” Brent asked in a husky voice.

“No, he wouldn’t!” Brooks interrupted. “Just bring us two plain cheeseburgers with all the shit on the side and two orders of fries. Now goodbye.”

Brent snorted a laugh and shook his head in amusement as he made his way back to the kitchen. I lost it, laughing so hard I leaned sideways in the booth, supporting my head on the wall.

“I’m glad you’re having a good time,” Brooks muttered before taking a long swig of his beer.

“Of course I am,” I said when I’d settled down. “I’m with you.”

The anger melted off of his face and his lips tipped up in a smirk. “Dammit, Sunshine; you make it hard to stay pissy.”

“It’s a gift,” I shrugged and Brooks snorted. I took a sip of my soda and smiled as I heard the music blasting across the speakers. “Ooh, I love this song. Do you know it?”

Brooks tipped his head as he listened. A smile slowly crossed his lips. “Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. This is a good one.”

“It was the first song I learned to play on the guitar. There’s only three chords in it, so it was fairly easy to pick up. I love the beat and the lyrics.”

Brooks blinked at me. “I didn’t know you played the guitar, Sunshine. How did I not know that?”

I shrugged; lord knows I talked his ear off the past month. “I’m not sure. But yep, I love to play. I love to sing, too.”

“Well let’s hear something!” he insisted, nodding his head. “Sing along!” This was the most animated I’d seen Brooks get over something (apart from when he was threatening people).

“I can’t compete with Johnny,” I smirked. “There’s no way I can get my voice that deep. I have an idea, though.” I jumped out of the booth, leaving poor Brooks looking baffled.

I found Brent on the other side of the restaurant, entering our food order into a computer. “Hey Brent, can you help me with something?”

“Does it involve pissing off your boyfriend?” he asked, looking hopeful. “Because if so, I’m in.”

I laughed at the ornery man. “Maybe later, but I actually had something else in mind.” I told him my idea as he beamed and nodded.

“I love it. And I have a feeling the attention you’ll get will piss off your big brute, so we both win!”

I snorted and shook my head. “What is it with you and pissing off my boyfriend?”

“Hey, you gotta make your own fun around here. Now, what’s your name, darlin’?”


“Come with me, Noah.” He led me over to the bar, where he had a quick conversation with the man mixing drinks. The bartender nodded and Brent patted the top of the bar. “Hop on up, buttercup.” As I hoisted myself up onto the counter, the waiter grabbed a guitar off of the wall, where it was hung for decoration. “I can’t promise it’s in tune.”

“Thanks, Brent.” He winked and watched as I tuned up the guitar; it wasn’t too bad for having not been played in who knows how long, if ever. When ‘Ring of Fire’ wrapped up over the loudspeakers, the bartender flipped a switch and the music cut out. The conversation in the building dulled at the change and several eyes fell to the bar.

“Hey y’all,” Brent yelled, getting the rest of the patrons’ attention. “This is my friend Noah. Give ‘em a wave, Copyright 2016 - 2024