My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,21

were no judgemental eyes, which could sometimes be a problem in our state. We lived close enough to the city that people were generally pretty open-minded and I’d never experienced a problem personally, but I’d heard stories of people being harrassed by good ol’ boys looking for trouble. It wasn’t something I wanted to deal with when trying to focus on Brooks.

My man gave me a look of understanding before his signature smirk. “You’re just trying to bribe me with kisses, aren’t you?”

“Is it working?”

“Like a charm.” He motioned to the road before us. “Take me to the Rhinestone.” I laughed and squeezed his hand, loving to see his silly side come out.

It only took about fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant. The parking lot was much busier than the butterfly house. I pulled into one of the last vacant spots and met Brooks at the trunk of my car. We walked to the entrance door side by side and I held it open for him, getting a half-smile of appreciation in return. My jaw dropped when we stepped inside.

The place was packed with men, all of whom were Brooks’ age or older. I knew the restaurant boasted classic country music on their website, but I didn’t realize its patrons were all classic cowboys. The men were all dressed in tight jeans and big hats. There was a lot of plaid, and even more bare chests adorned with leather jackets. Ordinarily it would have been a visual feast and a silver fox buffet for me, but my interest lay only with the man standing at my side.

“I don’t like the way these fuckers are looking at you,” Brooks growled into my ear. My heart swelled at his concern, but I hadn’t noticed anyone looking at me. I took a quick peek around the room and realized that several men were looking in our direction with hunger in their eyes.

“Oh please, they’re looking at you,” I insisted.

“That’s bullshit and I can prove it.” Brooks left my side, walking about ten feet away. He held out his arms for a few seconds before dropping them down and storming back to me. “Not one eye followed me,” he grumped. I knew he wasn’t mad that nobody was checking him out; he was upset people were checking me out. “Everyone fucking wants you.”

“But I only want you,” I told him seriously. His angry scowl softened as he studied my face. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do, Sunshine.” His face hardened again. “It’s all these other assholes I don’t trust.”

I beamed at how protective he was over me, and how special I felt to have his trust. I had a feeling it was an honor very few people held. “Come on, honeybear, I’m hungry. Let’s get a table.”

He led me to a booth in the corner with a possessive hand on my lower back. I grinned the entire way as we passed the other men, whose eyes tracked our movements. After we were seated across from each other, a slim, graying waiter dressed in dark jeans, a lighter denim shirt and black cowboy hat and boots approached us.

“Howdy,” he greeted as he set two rolls of silverware and two coasters on the table. “I haven’t seen you two in these parts before.” I wasn’t sure if he was playing a bit or if this was how he actually spoke, but it made me smile. Brooks looked less impressed.

“This is our first time visiting,” I replied cheerfully.

“Mm, well I’m honored you’re sharing your first time with me, darlin’.” I chuckled, but I swear Brooks growled. The waiter gave him a smug look and continued, “My name’s Brent and I’ll be taking care of y’all tonight. What can I get you to drink?”

“I’ll take a Bud Light,” Brooks answered, still giving poor Brent a death glare.

“I’m driving, so I’ll just take a Coke,” I replied.

“Darlin’, we won’t let anything happen to you,” Brent winked. “If you want a drink, there’s a whole bar full of men I can guarantee would love to take you home.”

Brooks growled again. “Listen here, fucker, if you or anyone else so much as touches him, I swear to god-”

“Coke’s fine,” I told Brent, hoping he would get the hint. He did, nodding quickly and disappearing toward the bar. “Hey, you okay?” I asked Brooks, who was breathing heavily.

“No I’m not okay! He was flirting with you right in front of me! Oh darlin’, I’ll take you home,” he said in Copyright 2016 - 2024