My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,16


“Thank you,” he whispered, and stepped closer to wrap his arms around my waist in a tight embrace. I enclosed my arms around his shoulders, juggling the cup of goopy shit in my hand so I didn’t spill it down his back. For the second time today, I felt his tight body against mine, and it was amazing.

“Oh my gosh,” Noah said in barely a whisper. “Don’t move.” He inched back away from me, taking my tiny cup with him and I gave him a worried glance. He only smiled bigger. “You’ve got a butterfly on your shoulder,” he explained in a voice I could barely hear. I turned my head slowly to find a big blue butterfly flapping against my shirt. Noah placed our cups of shit on the ground and dug his phone from his pocket. “Smile.” I gave my best grin, and Noah smirked. “Fine, you don’t have to smile, but don’t scowl at the camera!”

“What? I was smiling,” I defended.

Noah blinked at me. “Oh. I meant your smile is very handsome.”

My stomach jerked and a bark of laughter left my lips. Noah’s eyes widened in concern at the noise, making it happen again. Suddenly, a long string of gravelly laughter burst from my mouth, and once I started, I couldn’t stop. The butterfly flew away quickly, only making me laugh harder. Soon, I was clutching my gut and tears streamed down my face as my entire body quaked. Noah was grinning brighter than I’d ever seen him, snapping away with the camera on his phone.

Once I got myself settled down, Noah walked up to me, shoving his phone back into his pocket. “You have the most beautiful laugh I’ve ever heard.” I shook my head no in disbelief; obviously he didn’t hear the same garbled old man hack I heard coming out of me. Noah only grinned bigger. “Yes you do. It’s so deep and raspy, it gave me goosebumps. Feel.” He held his arms out and I trailed my fingers down their length, feeling thousands of tiny bumps over their surface as I stared into his eyes. The smile slowly faded from his lips as he stared right back. “Brooks, can I kiss you?”

I swallowed hard and nodded, unable to speak. Noah inched slowly toward me, never taking his gaze from my own. His eyes didn’t close until the moment his lips touched mine. His mouth was soft and warm against mine. He pressed gently, pecking and nibbling my plump bottom lip. It was tender and sweet and everything I wasn’t. When Noah pulled back and sighed happily, his breath fanning over my lips and cheeks, my restraint snapped.

I gripped his narrow hips and pulled him against me, crashing our lips together. He immediately wrapped his arms around my neck and sank his fingers into the back of my hair. I kissed him roughly, and he whimpered when I bit his bottom lip and stretched it back. I wondered if I’d gone too far, but that thought was dashed when Noah slammed his lips to mine and shoved his tongue into my mouth. We feverishly licked and tasted each other, gliding our tongues together and around one another’s teeth and cheeks. We breathed heavily into the other’s mouth, each of us greedily swallowing down every whimper and groan the other provided. It was like a month’s worth of sexual tension was coming to a head in this one passion-fueled kiss.

When I realized I either had to end this or risk jizzing in my shorts, I reluctantly pulled away from Noah. His eyes were still shut, and his kiss-swollen lips were slightly parted as he panted heavy breaths. It was the single hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life.

“Thank you,” he whispered as his eyelids slowly opened. His pupils were dilated and looked unfocused. It was the best fucking kiss of my life and he was thanking me? I was baffled, but before I could respond, Sunshine pecked my lips again and stepped away. He gathered our cups from the ground and held mine out to me with a bright smile.

For the next hour, we fed the butterflies and watched them fly around. We tried to find every species that were listed on the wooden signs around the habitat, and we were able to locate all of them except two. The insects seemed to love the brown goop in our little plastic cups. They slurped it down until we had nothing left; the little bastards Copyright 2016 - 2024