My Fair Concubine - By Jeannie Lin Page 0,29

sorry for raising my voice.’ The unexpected feelings she’d discovered about Fei Long made her anxious. ‘There’s so much to learn and it feels as though there aren’t enough hours in a day.’ What she meant was that everything was forgiven. Could they please continue as if nothing happened?

‘What are the ones with the dots?’ That moment is passed, Dao responded silently. We can be as we were before.

‘Those are the words I’ve forgotten the meaning for. I’ll have to ask Lord Chang tomorrow, I suppose.’

‘There are only a few of them. You must be doing very well.’

‘I don’t know. There must be hundreds of characters to learn.’

‘Well, thousands really,’ Dao replied. ‘If you want, I can tell you what they are.’

‘You can read?’

‘Only a little.’ Dao fluttered her eyelashes demurely. ‘If I may?’

Yan Ling handed the paper to her and Dao read the dotted characters out loud before handing it back.

‘I was allowed to sit in on the same lessons as Miss Pearl when we were younger. The elder Lord Chang believed in educating his servants.’

A ray of light peeked through the clouds. ‘Can you help me?’

Dao seemed hesitant. ‘I never learned as much as Miss Pearl and the lessons stopped when I had too many chores to do—’

‘But you read so wonderfully just then.’

Dao’s smile widened, rounding out her cheeks. ‘If you would like me to, I’ll try. Your success is important to all of us.’

Fei Long had only a few hours each day for lessons, but if she studied at night with Dao as well, she wouldn’t seem so hopelessly lost. She would devote every moment of her day to transforming herself into a suitable bride. Much like Lady Min had done, she flew at Dao and hugged her.

Chapter Seven

Bai Shen stepped into the parlour from the entrance hall and Fei Long stood as he would have for an imperial official. Beside him, Yan Ling did the same. She waited in the sitting area as he went to greet Bai Shen, who was playing the role of Inspector Tong that morning.

Over the last week, Yan Ling’s training had become his singular focus. The keen-eyed inspector would be looking for reasons to discredit them.

She bowed with a graceful tilt of her head as Bai Shen approached. Her jewelled hairpin caught the light.

‘I am humbled to meet you, illustrious sir.’

Bai Shen bowed in turn. ‘Miss Pearl.’

Fei Long tried to distance himself and assess her appearance objectively. She was benefiting from the generosity of the kitchen. The hollows of her cheeks had rounded out slightly, losing their sharpness. The paleness of her skin had taken on a new brightness and warmth.

Yan Ling presented herself well, he decided. Her shoulders had lost their slouch and her expression was soft. She managed to project a tranquillity about her that must have required hours of practice. Usually she never stood still.

‘Miss Pearl, you’re as beautiful as they say,’ Bai Shen drawled garrulously.

‘You flatter me, Inspector Tong.’

Fei Long stopped them. ‘No government censor would open with that.’

‘Why not? It’s perfectly acceptable.’

‘This is an official visit. Be serious.’

Bai Shen wrinkled up his face in disdain. His friend was in less-than-perfect form. He’d asked the actor to come early, which meant that Bai Shen was hung over, if he wasn’t still drunk.

Yan Ling valiantly tried to continue in her role. She averted her eyes shyly. ‘The inspector is too generous. Will you have some tea?’

‘Tea would be wonderful.’ Bai Shen strode into the sitting area and slumped down into a chair. His head fell back, eyes closed. ‘And food if you have it.’

Yan Ling stifled a laugh, lifting her sleeve over her mouth in true lady-like fashion. The scoundrel Bai Shen opened one eye at the sound, a crooked grin cutting through his sickly pallor. The only thing Bai Shen craved more than a good party was attention.

‘Get up.’ Fei Long went over and gave Bai Shen a swift kick. ‘Let’s do this again.’

Dao, who had just stepped into the room with a tea tray in hand, promptly turned to head back into the corridor. They took their positions again.

‘Inspector Tong, an honour to meet you.’

‘Lady Chang, the honour is mine. And what an exquisite vase this is,’ Bai Shen gushed. Fei Long shot him a look, which he ignored. ‘Your father must have had impeccable taste.’

‘He would be pleased to hear it, sir.’ She bowed and her eyes turned downwards with a hint of sadness.

‘My condolences for your family’s recent loss,’ Bai Shen continued. ‘But Copyright 2016 - 2024