My Deadly Valentine - By Valerie Hansen & Lynette Eason Page 0,19

to send me?”

“Don’t let it get to you.” He escorted her to his truck and held the door open while she climbed in. “We’ll solve the mystery before long and everything will get back to normal.”

Although she smiled and nodded, Jace could tell she wasn’t convinced. Neither was he. Whoever had been harassing Rachel was either very clever or amazingly lucky because the sheriff’s office hadn’t been able to unearth much in the way of clues.

Jace was deep in thought as he pulled away from the curb and they headed for Rachel’s house. At least she didn’t live on one of those far-out pieces of property that was totally isolated. She had neighbors on both sides of her as well as across the narrow, tree-lined street. That was good. The only thing better would be if he were one of those close neighbors.

“You’re awfully quiet,” she remarked. “What are you thinking about?”

“You. This area.” Leaning slightly forward over the wheel, he peered at the passing homes. “It looks like a good place to live. Is everybody pretty friendly?”

“Very. There are a lot of retired people nearby so I see them often, especially once spring comes and they start gardening.”

“And all the houses are occupied?”

“You mean near me, right? Yes. Except for the Duggins place. Floyd died a couple of months ago and his kids haven’t decided what to do. I suppose they’ll eventually sell the property and split the profits.”

“Really?” Jace’s mind was spinning. “That gives me an idea. Why don’t you get in touch with them and tell them I need a place to live? I wouldn’t have to have a lease or anything. Just be sure to stress the fact that I’m Harlan’s deputy and can look after it for them. Renting to me has to make more sense than letting it stand vacant and taking the risk that vandals will trash it.”

Rachel laughed lightly. “Now you’re starting to think like a local. That’s a wonderful idea. It’s probably even furnished.”

“And I’d be closer to you, too, so I could keep an eye on your place at the same time.”

It amused him to see the arch of her brows and her lopsided smile so he added, “Well, I could. And any time you needed company, I’d be handy.”

“No good,” she said, shaking her head and making her hair swing gently. “It might be safer temporarily but it would be terrible for my reputation. Rumors about us are probably already flying. Having you casually come and go, especially after dark, would be disastrous.”

“Do you mean to tell me you wouldn’t call me in an emergency?”

“I’d call 9-1-1 first.”

“And then me.”


There were those rosy cheeks again. Rachel’s tendency to blush was endearing. Sandra had never done anything like that, nor had she seemed a bit shy about whether she might be creating a negative impression. Now that he could look back on her behavior and contrast it to Rachel’s, he was amazed at how unappealing Sandra’s attitude seemed.

The change of perspective caught Jace by surprise. When had he stopped brooding over his lost love and started seeing her for who and what she really was?

When he’d met Rachel Hollister, he answered without hesitation. It was she who had opened his eyes and given him hope for the future.

His jaw clenched. All he had to do now was make sure Rachel had a future. If he didn’t put a stop to whomever was threatening her pretty soon, the attacks might escalate until they became deadly.

“I’d ask you in, but…”

“I know. Rumors. Can’t have that.”

“Right.” She held out her hand, expecting him to shake it. Instead, he grasped her fingers in his and simply held them. The intense look in his eyes was so serious it made her pulse speed and her breathing grow ragged.

“Tell you what,” Jace said softly, “if I can’t come in to stay awhile, how about you leaving the door wide open until we’ve checked the place over very carefully, just to be on the safe side?”

“You think someone may have been in my house, too?” That notion would have seemed preposterous mere days ago. Now, it made all too much sense to suit her.

“We won’t know for sure until we look. Or you could stay outside while I go in and check.” He made a motion as if stepping toward the door.

“I’d rather do it myself but you can wait on the porch and watch if you want.” Pulling her hand from his grasp she reached for Copyright 2016 - 2024