My Deadly Valentine - By Valerie Hansen & Lynette Eason Page 0,18

me today. I hope nothing I’ve said or done will keep you from continuing to watch over me until this series of attacks stops.”

“Of course not. I said I’d look out for you and I will.”

She had to blink back tears of relief when she saw the concern on his handsome face. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

His nod was matter-of-fact and polite rather than being too personal, yet she could tell he was feeling the same sense of extraordinary closeness that she was battling. Surely it was due to the circumstances, she told herself. After all, they had nothing in common.

Except completely opposing opinions of law enforcement personnel. Rachel gritted her teeth as she realized that this ongoing harassment was showing her another side of the picture. There were legitimate needs for police intervention. The problem was, she didn’t like feeling out of control or in need of assistance.

She would concentrate on building up her faith, keep her wits about her and get through this, one way or another, she vowed.

When Eloise had led her to the Lord several years back, there had been a change in Rachel. A positive change. It was time she stopped acting as if she were all alone when she knew that Jesus was on her side. She’d pray more and trust more and…

Shivering, she took a step closer to Jace and he slid his arm around her shoulders once again.

Thank You, Father, for putting this man in my life just when I needed him, she prayed silently. If there was ever a reason to give thanks, it was now. And if there was ever a person for whom she was grateful, it was Jace Morgan.

She’s clever, but not as clever as she thinks she is, he thought, watching her cozy up to the deputy. He can’t guard her every minute. She’ll have to go home sometime and then I’ll have her right where I want her.

He laughed to himself as he imagined future scenarios. He had plenty of ideas about how to make her squirm. And as soon as it stopped being fun to issue threats, he’d act.

There was lots of time. He had already branched out and implemented some new surprises. And even if he didn’t get another opportunity to enter the card store in secret, he could simply mail her the special Valentine he’d crafted.

Rachel was going to love his idea of a romantic card. Oh, yes. She was just going to swoon over it.


By the time Rachel and Jace were finally finished at the card shop, it was late afternoon. He had insisted that they needed to go for coffee to pass the time while the professionals did their jobs regarding the crime scene and he’d been surprised by how easily she’d agreed.

There had been only a few brief instances when she had acted afraid, especially when she’d taken a look at the latest communication from her stalker. The rest of the time, if he hadn’t known the circumstances, Jace would have assumed she didn’t care that much.

“I’m glad I phoned Eloise and filled her in. I was sure she’d decide to close the store for a few days but she says she’s game to hang in there if I am. We’re going to have to keep our coats on all day though. It’s going to stay chilly now that the heater’s disconnected.”

“Why don’t you just call and make an appointment with a repairman to take care of it tomorrow morning?” He smiled. “I know. Don’t tell me. You can’t arrange anything on a Sunday.”

“That’s pretty much it,” Rachel replied. “But I will call someone tomorrow unless Eloise has already taken care of it. You may think I know a lot of people in this town but I’m a newbie compared to Mrs. McCafferty. Her kin have lived around here for six or seven generations.”

“I hadn’t thought about the town being that old.” He glanced across the square at the brick, three-story, county courthouse. “Guess I should have figured it out by looking at the architecture, huh?”

“And reading the carved text on the monuments on the courthouse lawn,” Rachel said. “They mention Civil War battles taking place right here.”

“I’ve heard Harlan call it ‘The War Between the States,’ instead.”

“That’s not as politically correct but it is a lot more locally acceptable. Arkansas was part of the South.”

“South. Right. That’s why I expected to find hot weather down here.”

He saw Rachel shiver before she said, “Hot, like the place where my stalker wants Copyright 2016 - 2024