My Boss's Husband - Cassandra Dee Page 0,6

calmly. “With Marissa gone, we’ll need to fill her shoes, and it won’t be easy. Thank you for your contribution to this business over the last twenty years,” I say towards my ex-wife.

She preens a bit, smiling maliciously again. I try to ignore her, even though she’s standing only a few feet away. Our marriage has been dead for years, and we only kept it together for the sake of this business. Now that the House of Steele has reached new revenue records, there’s no reason to keep up the façade anymore. We’re getting a divorce.

“I understand this is a difficult time and that most of our design team joined the House of Steele specifically to work under Marissa’s tutelage, so I appreciate your patience,” I begin. “However, the executive team has decided to promote from within. This is an amazing group of creatives, and we wanted to honor the talent that we already have. We’ll be promoting Addison Maplethorpe to Lead Designer, effective immediately.”

A gasp runs throughout the room as heads swivel to look at Addy. For the first time since the meeting started, I meet the curvy girl’s eyes. She’s looking at me with shock, and her face has drained of blood. I maintain my composure, but inside, I’m chuckling. After all, I saw her last night when Marissa and I had our last goodbye fuck. It wasn’t a romantic thing at all. My ex slithered up to me and closed my office door, saying that we should have a quickie for old time’s sake. As a red-blooded man, I assented.

But unbeknownst to us, there was still someone in the office late last night: Addison Maplethorpe. She’s a hard worker, so I should have known. But what I didn’t expect to see were her big brown eyes filled with lust, watching while I drilled my wife. I saw how she stared at my enormous tool, pulsing with veins. I saw how she licked her lips, and how one hand went down to slip between her thighs.

To be honest, I don’t know if she realizes she was touching herself. But as I drilled Marissa, I looked up, and our gazes caught. It was electric. The curvy girl was turned on seeing my conquering form, and she wanted a piece of it. To tell the truth, I think I put on an even bigger show because I knew she was watching. I wanted her to lust after me, and to imagine me in her dirtiest dreams.

But now, my opportunity has come. I’m separated from Marissa, and well on my way to getting a divorce. I know that Addy wants me, and the truth is that I want her too. I’m tired of ice queens who resemble pillars of cool marble. I’m tired of pussies that don’t get wet, and bony hips that bang against my pelvis when we fuck. What I want is a girl who’s lush, curvy, and round, and my new head designer is the perfect fit.

People begin to clap after the announcement, and Addy nods in acknowledgment, still wide-eyed with shock. But then, of course, Marissa tries to snatch the spotlight back for herself.

“Alright,” she says sourly. “That’s enough. Addy’s good, and we wish her the best.”

Quite a few people nod politely. They know that my ex can be vindictive, but it’s too late. Marissa’s already sold me her shares, the money’s been transferred, and the business is all mine. She’s out, and now Addy is in. But my ex doesn’t give up very easily.

“Okay, okay,” says Marissa again, holding both hands up. “Thanks everyone. Goodbye cocktails for me are going to be at the Hobarth Lounge at five p.m. today. You better be there, otherwise I won’t be giving you a good recommendation for your next job.”

Never mind that actually, she’s the one leaving. People nod and murmur, affirming that they’ll be there for drinks. Marissa smiles again, pleased, and people start leaving the conference room. Meanwhile, I signal to Addy. The curvy girl makes her way to me, and I smile.

“Was it a surprise?”

She bites her lip, looking at me through her lashes.

“Yes, Mr. Steele. I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you.”

I laugh.

“I hope it was a good surprise? But we’ll iron out the details later. For now, just enjoy your promotion.”

Addy nods, shooting a look at me, and then at Marissa. But she merely says another quiet “thank you” and then departs. With that, a new chapter of my life has begun because it’s out Copyright 2016 - 2024