My Boss's Husband - Cassandra Dee Page 0,5

out at her and laugh.

“The sample is yours even if she says yes. I’d never make you buy one of my designs. That doesn’t make any sense. We’re co-workers.”

She rolls her eyes.

“You know I already buy every single one of your samples, Addy.”

I blush.

“Thanks, Jemima. I appreciate it.”

With that, Jemima goes off to change and I finish up my pattern. I’ll bring it to show the team later today, and see what feedback they have. After all, this is a team effort. Sure, Marissa’s the creative director but really, all of us work together to put together three collections a year. There’s no one individual who does everything.

Suddenly, Marcus’s assistant materializes out of nowhere.

“Hey everyone, can you come to the conference room please? We’re having a firm-wide meeting. Thanks.”

Then she turns on her heel and leaves before any of us can ask questions. We have firm-wide meetings maybe once a month, but we usually get an itinerary in advance. This one is out of the blue, which makes me nervous. What could the meeting be about? I have no idea, but I have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that everything is about to change.



* * *

Our employees file into the conference room. We have maybe twenty people on staff, which is about right for a high-end atelier. Most of the people who work for House of Steele are designers, although of course, we also have a cohort of administrative staff including marketing, accounting, and HR. We’re a real business, after all.

Today, I cringe a bit as everyone makes their way into the conference room. I would have been happy telling our top execs, and then letting the news trickle down from there, but of course, Marissa loves her dramatics. She wants the entire company here to hear her news.

Smiling maliciously, my wife moves to the front of the room as everyone takes their seats around the big table. My wife has always been beautiful and resembles Snow White today more than ever. She’s got ivory skin, blood-red lips, and raven black hair. Today, it’s swept up in a chignon, making her look regal and elegant. Unfortunately, it also makes her look severe and somewhat heartless.

It’s a shame that so much has changed, both in Marissa’s appearance and demeanor. Once upon a time, she was a sweet girl with big dreams for the fashion industry. We founded the House of Steele together, with plans to bring haute couture to women of elegance. Unfortunately, my wife changed somewhere along the way, even if our objectives didn’t. As a result, we’re going our separate ways, and it’s time to tell the staff.

Marissa claps her hands together, and her smile gleams brightly as everyone falls silent. It’s impossible to look away from my wife, with her skinny frame ensconced in a designer jumpsuit, and heavy jewelry dripping from her ears and neck. Once upon a time, Marissa loved simple adornments, such as filigree gold charms or even delicate rope bracelets. Now, she’s got so many carats on her body so that she literally sparkles every time she moves.

“Thank you, Hannah and Dianna, for arranging this meeting on such short notice,” she says. “I’m sure you’re all wondering why we gathered you here, in the middle of such a busy day. However, we have important news: Marcus and I have decided to divorce, with consequences for the House of Steele.”

Murmurs spread throughout the crowd as people look at each other with shock. Poor Dianna, Marissa’s favorite pet, looks like she might throw up. One of our marketing executives pipes up.

“What does this mean for our jobs?” he asks, looking nervous. He adjusts his wire-rim glasses and swallows.

Marissa smiles.

“I’m glad you asked, David. The House of Steele will continue on as it always has.”

People nod, still confused.

“But will you and Mr. Steele keep things the same then?”

Marissa waves her hand in a lofty gesture.

“Our separation is amicable, but Marcus and I have decided that only one of us should continue to run the House of Steele. Marcus has purchased my half interest in this business, and as a result, only he will remain going forward. This is my last day, everyone, and I wish you well.”

Immediately, a buzz rises from the crowd.

“But what will we do when it comes to design?”

“You’re a leading creative force, Marissa! How will we survive without you?”

“Who will become the new creative director?”

I decide to step in then.

“Of course there will some changes, effective immediately,” I announce Copyright 2016 - 2024