My Big Fat Low-Fat Wedding - By Katya Starkey Page 0,86

who should see this. I haven’t exactly been offered the grand tour of Oliver’s facilities myself.”

I’m guided down the vast corridor. “You haven’t seen his robotics office?”

Callum snorts a laugh. “Office? Honey, I’m about to show you the largest lab on the entire campus. You’ll take that statement back once you get an eye-full of this place.”

“Oh well I’m so sorry mister scientific scientist smarty pants man. Take me to the secret laboratory then Igor! Ow!” I yelp in pain as Callum hunches his back while he walks, pulling my arm slightly downwards.

“Yessss, missstressss. ” My silly fiancé hisses. “Igor likes to please the doctor!”

“Oh stop it.” I pull on his hand and Callum stands straight again.

“Well, if you’re going to refer to me as doctor Frankenstein’s helper, I might as well play the part!”

He’s laughing, I’m giggling. We’re stumbling happily together running around corridors that run through one of the world’s top most scientific institutions. If anyone saw us now they might think we were getting married soon. And they’d be one hundred per cent correct!

I just love my Cal so much right now. He always knows best what will cheer me up. As we tumble into an elevator that requires Callum’s keypass to enter, I’m smitten with the luck of it all. How did I get so fortunate meeting this guy? He really is the perfect partner. Not only has he taken my mind off wedding worries, but I also haven’t been fretful about my fat in the slightest all day. I think that might be a world record in of itself really. I mean, is there another bride-to-be on the planet who doesn’t worry she might not fit correctly into her wedding dress on the big day?

I should probably stop thinking about such things right this minute.

“What if the power went out right now?” I gasp and pretend to grab my fiancé in fear for my life. “We’d be trapped in this lift forever!”

“We’d miss our own wedding if that happened.”

Well, that didn’t help. “I was trying to stop thinking about the wedding.”

“Oh.” The elevator doors slide open. “Well, this should take your mind off nuptial worries.” Callum spreads his arm wide as we both step out onto the strangest platform I’ve ever had the honour of standing upon.

It’s a circular balcony. I rush to the railing and look down. “Wow!” I exclaim. “Now that’s a proper laboratory!” Callum joins me and together we gaze down into a pit the size of a football pitch. There are machines and computers and pipes and wires and great big ducts running along the walls. It’s an environment the likes of which I’ve never seen. “This is even more amazing than the awesome lab on that Iron Man movie!”

“Meh.” Callum sounds bored. “Iron Man definitely has much better robots.”

I frown and turn to him. “Iron Man isn’t a robot, he wears… like… a robot suit.”

“Just making sure you were paying attention to the film, love.” He winks at me.

“Oh you arse.” I slap him across the air in front of his face. He takes my cue and turns his head rapidly to the side, acting like he’s just been totally bitch-slapped.

“Honestly, though. Don’t you think Oliver’s bots are a bit shit?”

A bit shit? “I’d say they’re complete pieces of crap, if you asked me.”

“I just did ask you.” Callum grins wildly at me.

“Do you need another theatrical punch in the face, darling?”

The grin of sarcasm remains etched upon his facial features. That is until the lift doors behind us slide open.


“Oh shit.” Callum whispers and grasps my arm. “Hide!”

“Hide?” I’m fearing for my life now. “What the bloody hell do you mean hide? Do you want me to throw myself over the bannister or something? Cal, are we not supposed to be here?”

“Heh.” He releases my arm and barks a laugh. “Just joking, honey.”

Seriously, my betrothed is about to get a real slap across the face if he keeps this jokery up. There’s distracting me from our wedding day with hilarity here and there, but this frivolity is starting to get out of hand.

About half a dozen people walk out of the elevator. “Callum, what are you and your lovely missus doing in here on such a fine day?” A pot-bellied man bellows jovially to my fiancé. “Well, as long as you’re here mate, you can run some numbers with us.”

Any normal civilian might balk at doing work on a day off, but scientists aren’t like normal people. If there’s Copyright 2016 - 2024