To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,19

I want you to give me another lap dance, and I don’t want the others to see me as I slip a fifty into your panties,” I said smoothly. Her jaw dropped and I laughed.

“That’s not funny.” She glared at me.

“Would you rather me slip a hundred in?” I pulled out my wallet. “I’m not sure if I have that much on me.”

“You won’t be slipping anything in anywhere.” Her face was red and her brown eyes were shooting daggers at me. “You’ll have to go to a strip club if you want some action.”

I stood up then and walked towards her. She stood her ground, but I could see her lips trembling.

“You think I need to go to a strip club for action?”

“I don’t think. I know.” She tilted her nose up in the air and then gave me a look full of derision.

“What do you think you know, Jane? Did you know that just this morning, a blonde at my gym offered to blow me?” Her eyes widened, and I decided to shock her even more. “She wanted me to titty fuck her in the steam room. I think she had DD cups as well, so there would have been plenty of cushion for the pushing.”

“Why are you telling me about your illicit activities?” Her cheeks were turning pink.

“Illicit activities would be like me fucking her in the steam room.” I laughed. “Next to someone else. You ever been in a steam room, Jane?”


“Then you know that it gets so fogged up in there that you can’t even see the person next to you.” I licked my lips slowly and then whispered. “For example, you and I could be in the steam room next to each other and not even know.” I looked down at her heaving chest. “I could pull you onto my lap and you could ride me, and if you were quiet enough, no one else in the room would know a thing.” Her face was beet red now. “Sounds hot, hmm?”

“You’re so inappropriate, Tate.”

I inched towards her and bent down so that my mouth was next to her ear. “Las tentaciones como tu merecen pecados como yo,” I whispered into Jane’s ear and she froze.

“What did you just say to me?”

“I thought you understood Spanish?” I grinned and then repeated myself. “Las tentaciones como tu merecen pecados como yo.”

“You just said that temptations like you deserve sins like me.” She frowned. “What the hell does that mean?”

“What do you think it means?” I said, staring into her eyes with a deep intensity that was echoed in my loins. I was hard, and I wanted to feel her parted red lips on my cock. “If you dropped to your knees right now and unzipped me, I wouldn’t say no.”

“In your dreams, Tate.”

“How did you guess?” My lips moved closer to hers and I watched as she swallowed hard. “I wonder if your lips taste as sweet as they look.”

“People could be watching.”

I chuckled at the thought that she hadn’t actually told me not to kiss her. “I did tell you to close the door.”

Finally, she stepped back and glared at me. “Why did you call me in here?”

“I wanted to know where you’ve been.” I walked back to my chair and sat down. “It’s not really acceptable for you to just be leaving the office with other employees for hours at a time.”

“I told you why I left.” She sat down in the chair in front of my desk.

“And yet, I still don’t know why Magnolia was gone so long.” I picked up my gold pen and ran my fingers down the cool metal. “Is she taking advantage of the fact that her boyfriend is a silent partner? I wouldn’t like to have to write her up for insubordination.”

“First of all, Jagger is her fiancé, not her boyfriend, and secondly, do you know what insubordination means, Tate?” She stared at me with a sweet smile. “For someone that likes to school me on English comprehension, it seems like you’d know your vocabulary a bit better.”

“Okay, maybe insubordination was the incorrect word to use …” I licked my lips. “But not when it comes to you.”

“You think I’m insubordinate?” She shook her head and stifled a laugh. “You’ve got to be joking.”

“No, I don’t think that I am.” I put my pen down and picked up my phone and went to Google. “Defiant of authority. Disobedient to others.” I read the definition aloud. “That seems like Copyright 2016 - 2024