Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,187

together, and remember where the fuck we are. A medical conference shindig. Jesus, read the goddamn room or something.”

“That’s precisely what I’m doing,” I said, watching every flawless dance step while she showed off her perfectly round ass in a fun and exuberant way.

Unlike everyone else who was out here, either dressed to impress or wearing bikinis that matched their stilettos, she was dressed simply and casually.

Jesus H. Christ, I was smitten as fuck by this woman. She wore a plain white tank that enhanced the glow of her naturally tanned skin. Her super short, cut-off denim shorts were frayed at the hem, highlighting the strong muscles of her gorgeous legs. Her tight ass moved and played along to the rhythm of the music that the live band played, making me believe we were actually in Florida. Florida, Vegas, heaven—I didn’t even know where I was anymore. I just knew where I wasn’t—out there on the dance floor, joining this woman.

Her smile was effervescent, and even though I couldn’t hear her laugh, I could tell it was something I had to be close to. This wasn’t about me wanting to fuck some hot chick I’d spotted who was shaking her ass out on the dance floor. This woman had fucking bewitched me with the way her hips moved to the music and the animated and cheerful way she lit up this whole place.

I stayed back and admired her from a distance, but I wanted more. No way in hell could I sit here and hide behind my rules of never pursuing someone in the medical field—not with this woman.

The more I watched her, the more I needed to be in her presence. I couldn’t explain any of my behavior or the way I felt. All I knew was I was wasting time sitting here and debating right versus reason.

All sense left my mind, and Jake’s warnings and reminders about staying away from females in our line of work—gone. All that was on my mind was cutting into her dance, pulling her against me by the small of her back, and guiding her in a more challenging dance—and into my arms from there.

“Fuck it. Just go get it.” Jake laughed. “You’re already consumed by this woman. Don’t say I didn’t warn your stupid ass.”

I walked toward the crowd she’d drawn in, easing myself to the side and slipping out to where she teased the musicians by following the music—her movements fluid and sexy as hell.

I watched her feet, her style, focusing on her skill instead of that beautiful smile that I knew would trip my ass up. If I was going to interrupt her entertaining the group, I had to fall in perfectly. If she were the natural talent I was witnessing, she’d easily follow my lead.

As if it were meant to be, I stepped in behind her slowly-swaying hips and took the hand she held in the air and clasped it into mine. She reacted like someone who was expecting a dance partner, and she allowed me to clutch her hip with my other hand and spin her back to me. I dipped her for the hell of it, and that’s when her golden-brown eyes met mine.

I pulled her up in one fluid motion, her hands molding into mine as if they were created to be held by them alone. She arched her eyebrow, her lashes emphasizing the chestnut irises I wanted to drown in.

“May I ask who you are, sir?” she asked, moving her hips, complementing each step I took to guide her in our dance that became more intimate with each movement.

“Your future husband.” I grinned, spinning her away from me.

Her long, flowing hair breezed through the air while I spun her back, and I took her other hand, turning her back to mold against me.

“You’re confident.” She laughed as I twirled her out and dipped her to add to our little routine while bringing her to face me in our dance again.

“Goddamn, you’re beautiful,” I said, almost missing a step as I let her eyes and that bright expression of hers that had lured me out here take me as her victim.

“I could say the same about you,” she said as we continued to move our dance into a more daring—after dark—routine.

“And what would you say about me?” I asked when I pulled her in close.

“I have no idea who you are.”

“Collin,” I gave her my real name.

“You dance well, Collin,” she said, her lips full. My Copyright 2016 - 2024