Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,105

there is in the medical industry.” He glanced toward the audience to his left, then out to the center of the crowd as he continued. “We also need investors who are serious about where they invest their money. Earlier today, our exclusive investors in attendance were invited to see the return on this particular investment. Mark my words, even though those numbers looked healthy enough for you, those are conservative estimates. You will see a higher return on this investment, and whether it be proceeds or pride in a worthy cause, it will not return to you void. I guarantee that to you, and this is why.” He glanced over to his right, “Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Brooks are only willing to accept interns who graduate at the top of their classes, undergo a grueling interviewing process with them, and have a passion that’s evident in their work ethic. This, ladies and gentlemen, is when you will see something unlike any other hospitals have done before. You will have the best in the medical industry working with overachieving medical professionals who are eager to learn and work with these two doctors closely.” He glanced around the room. “We plan on taking this to an even higher level, having universities bring in their finest students and create a new course of instruction while students watch live surgeries performed by these two doctors as they explain their procedures while performing them.”

I remained silent, watching Jim and Jake exchange smiles that came from nowhere. I grinned at how handsome both men were while they smiled at something all of us could only guess was humorous.

“And with that, I would like to share with you why we must act on this vision. The reason is quite simple. We have deemed it The Bus Test Initiative.”

I grinned with the way Jim said it, wondering what the hell he was talking about. Everyone else seemed to follow me in being thrown off when his speech shifted toward some bus test. What the fuck was he talking about?

“Now that I have your attention.” He looked over at Ash with a smart-ass grin. “Allow me to explain the Bus Test. Dr. Mitchell’s wife is happily pregnant and has cravings at the strangest times. Dr. Mitchell will stop everything to ensure his beautiful wife is cared for, especially in the food department. You see, Mrs. Mitchell might crave something that will undoubtedly lead Dr. Mitchell to cross the road tonight to purchase from a convenience store. If Dr. Mitchell were to step off that curb and a bus were to flatten my poor brother,” I could tell Jim was refraining from laughter after looking back at Jake rolling his eyes, “every skill my brother has—everything locked up in his genius mind—would die with him. We would be left wishing we had an opportunity to learn from such an amazing man.” Jim looked back at Jake. “Or if Dr. Brooks were to get hit by the same bus on its return route…” He chuckled while Jake shook his head. Jim became serious while the audience laughed. “Listen, it’s a silly point, but it’s a fact. If we were to lose the knowledge these men have amassed because of a tragic incident, I would consider myself to be a fool never to have embarked on this quest.” Jim’s eyes roamed over the audience again. “I only ask that you listen closely and seriously consider the worthiness of this investment. We need these men, we need more men like them, and the truth is we only have a—” He paused and looked over to Jake, “How long until the baby arrives?” he questioned with humor in his voice. He looked back to us with a smile that stole my breath away. “Regardless, we have less than nine months to come to an agreement.” The room burst into laughter at his wit and charm, and I just fell a few feet deeper for him.

Jim held out his hand to introduce Jake as he walked to the podium. “Please allow me to introduce to you my brother and chief cardiovascular surgeon.” He shook Jake’s hand. “And someone that I surely hope doesn’t get hit by that bus anytime soon. Dr. Jacob Mitchell.”

Jake leaned into the mic. “Leave it to my brother to announce my importance as a doctor by sentencing me to death by bus.” He looked over at Ash, who laughed along with me. “If it happens, you have this one to thank Copyright 2016 - 2024