Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,104

call Jake, and then we’ll head down.” I smiled at the beautiful woman who would be on my arm tonight. “We do have to get out of here, or we’re going another round.”

“If it helps, I’m going commando, lover-man.” She winked, leaving me unable to respond after Jake answered the call.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I sat at a reserved table in the front of the venue next to Jim’s sister-in-law, Ash, and other executives from Mitchell and Associates. I was in awe from the second we stepped into this hotel conference room. The décor transformed the area to look like we were at some massive convention.

The tone was set with the perfect lighting, a stage, and a large projector screen behind a glass podium. Maybe this was what all resort conference rooms looked like. I had no idea since this was my first time attending anything like this.

We watched a fantastic presentation that was underscored with music that kept you drawn into the history of Mitchell and Associates. It felt as if we were at a badass movie theater. Hell, I already worked for this company, and I’d even gained deeper respect from watching clips of its powerful mission and values on a global level. I almost forgot it was Jim’s company until the presentation ended, and the lights came on, illuminating hundreds of eloquently dressed attendees as Jim crossed the stage and walked to the podium.

“Good evening,” Jim said with a smile that enhanced his painfully handsome looks. His voice was commanding—everything about him was intriguing to me at the moment.

The room fell silent from its post-presentation chatter the minute Jim’s smooth voice greeted the room.

“I’d like to thank all of you for accepting our invitation to join us over the next two days,” he said as his eyes scanned the guests. “First of all, I want you to know that you are sitting in this room for a reason. Each one of you were purposefully selected to attend this event based on your value, who you are, and what you stand for. With that said, please know that we’ve taken every measure possible to ensure that your time is not wasted. Mitchell and Associates understands your time is valuable.” He cracked a smile, but his face remained firm and unwavering. “You see, I’m a man who values his time greatly, and I extend the same courtesy to you. Tonight, I am speaking to the most important people I may ever cross paths with. We have exclusive investors, executives from the medical industry, board members from highly accredited universities, and,” he grinned, “I believe you all may be asking yourselves this question after our opening presentation: why am I here? This young CEO better not be wasting my time.” He smirked when the audience laughed in comical agreement.

I’d listened to him speak in his James Mitchell, CEO voice before but never had watched him in action like this.

“Tonight’s portion of our two-day conference will introduce you to why you were each exclusively selected by my company to attend this event. I also know why you accepted our invitation. You’ve watched the compilation of videos regarding Dr. Jacob Mitchell and Dr. Collin Brooks, both world-renowned surgeons who have proved they are irreplaceable in their talents and work. Saint John’s is more than fortunate to have two men who have not only earned awards in multiple areas of their respective fields, but through their work, they’ve achieved a level of exceptionalism that has garnered global attention.”

Jim looked over to where his brother Jake sat, alerting us to the doctor in the room that would be taking the stage after his opening statement.

“So, why are you here, and why has Mitchell and Associates selected this particular group of individuals to present our newest ideas to? The answer is simple. Saint John’s new expansions of our heart and neuroscience institutes will not work without you seeing our vision. You see, I am a man who strives to be the best in all I do.” He eyed the room with a somber expression. “But in our work, there is no room for anything short of greatness to ensure the success rates of our patients. Even with having two of the best doctors in the world at Saint John’s, we need to think bigger, and it’s imperative we think better.” He gripped the podium with his strong hands, leaned forward, and with a calculated emphasis, he stated, “In doing so, we need to expand with only the best Copyright 2016 - 2024