The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,55

her hands on her hips. “Then explain it to me.”

“I’m not good enough for you,” I told her honestly. I sat back down, but she stayed standing.

“Try again.”

I shook my head. It was the only answer she’d ever get. The whole truth would send her packing, and I’d lose her forever.

She sighed and then stared at the sand for a while before saying, “Fine.”

I watched her slide her feet from her sandals and take a couple of steps toward the water before peeking over her shoulder at me.


I gave her a crooked smile. “I’m not a toe-dipping kind of guy, and there are too many people around to go skinny dipping.”

She blushed, and I felt the blood rush to my cock knowing at that moment, she imagined how the rest of the night might go if things were different between us and we were alone.

Shrugging, she smirked and said, “Suit yourself.”

And then I felt like I’d been punched in the gut with a Louisville slugger when she sexily shimmied out of her shorts and shirt, and without any regard for the hundreds of people around, she ran to the water in just her panties and bra.

Cursing, I shot to my feet with a growl that would send a lion running for safety and took off after her.

“Are you coming up?” Lou quietly asked me as she stood in front of the Hendersons’ front door, twirling her key in her hand. Her question strangely made it feel like we’d just gotten back from a date and she was inviting me up for a nightcap.

I eyed her damp hair, which had gotten wet thanks to the wave that crashed into us before I could drag her out of the water, and the rest of her still dripping water. I wanted desperately to get her out of those clothes and wrapped around me so I took a step back.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

She frowned. “Because of the thing we’re both thinking but can’t say?”

I took another step back. “Yes.”

I wasn’t expecting her gentle smile, and it was all I could do not to kiss it from her lips. She shouldn’t be smiling. She should be running scared like I was right now.

“Good night, bestie.” With a wave of her fingers, she disappeared inside the house, and I could finally breathe again.

“I NEED YOU TO PICK me up!” I shouted into my phone. I admit I was feeling a little grumpy, but considering the fact I’d spent the entire day searching the city high and low for my best friend, I think a little moodiness was allowed. It didn’t matter that I’d gone against all of Wren’s warnings never to go looking for him. The asshole was avoiding me and not for any of the usual reasons.

Today was Wren’s twentieth birthday, and as usual, he refused to celebrate. Every year, he’d say the same thing.

“How many times do I need to celebrate being born? You wouldn’t dig up a person’s corpse every year and bake them a fucking cake for dying.”

“Why?” he breathed into the phone, and he sounded every bit as annoyed as I sounded.

Snatching the phone away from my ear, I doubled-checked the name on my screen with my nose wrinkled. Since when did Wren not jump at the chance to do things for me?

“Do you know what today is?”

“Monday,” he replied, and his tone was drier than the Sahara desert. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”

“My first day isn’t until Thursday. Besides, I’m dropping out again.”


“Kidding, bestie!” A warm feeling spread over my tummy knowing he cared. My best friend would often take my breath away without even trying. “Are you coming to get me or not?”

“I’m a little busy right now.” And then I heard what sounded like flesh impacted followed by a pained groan. The warm feeling went in an instant, and icy coldness took its place.

“I won’t need you for another couple of hours,” I said, losing some of my excitement. I didn’t have to question if Wren noticed when he started speaking to someone in hushed tones in the background. I couldn’t help straining to hear his surroundings while wondering if he was safe. Wren was always so secretive about where he went when he wasn’t with me. Other than the nights he slept on my bedroom floor, I still had no idea where he laid his head. I didn’t know if it was for my protection or his since he often accused me of Copyright 2016 - 2024