The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,54

my face.

“How are you just going to name my ride?”

“Easy.” She chortled. “I’ve been calling her Paula this entire time. This is just the first time I’ve done it to your face.”

“What?” I roared, and she howled even louder while clutching her stomach.

Before she could recover, I pinned her to the sand with an evil grin and attacked her sides with my fingers. It wasn’t long before she was begging for mercy, and by the time I finished, she lay spent in the sand. Neither of us spoke, and I wasn’t sure how much time had passed. It didn’t matter.

I was still hovering over her, gazing into her eyes glistening with tears from my tickling when I said, “Am I forgiven?”

Her lips parted, and as she blinked, I held my breath. I knew I wasn’t just asking forgiveness for our fight yesterday.

“I’m not sure,” she said in a playful tone. “I don’t think I should forgive you so easily. It sets precedence.” Her expression turned thoughtful. “I think a foot rub should suffice.” I grinned and rolled away, and when I pulled one of her feet into my lap, she sat up on her hands and screeched, “Wait! I was kidding!”

Any other protests she might have had died when I slowly peeled the flip-flop from her foot and began massaging the muscles there. It wasn’t long before her eyes fluttered followed by a groan, and then her head fell back on her shoulders.

“You’re one of those dudes who have a freaky foot fetish, aren’t you?” she said when I moved to her other foot.

I barked out a laugh. “Fuck no.” I had to admit though, even if it was to myself, how pretty and dainty Lou’s feet were. Even the dark purple nail polish coating her toes was fascinating to me. My tan was deep while her skin looked like she’d been kissed by the sun. She was soft, too, and for a second, I worried that my rough hands would mar her skin, but then I shook off those ridiculous thoughts and dropped her foot abruptly.

She lifted a brow but thankfully didn’t ask questions as she sat up all the way. “Thanks,” she said and grinned as she began slipping her sandals back on her feet. “You’re forgiven.”

“I didn’t fuck her,” I blurted before I could stop the words from spilling. I released a long string of curses in my head as I watched and waited.

Her smile immediately fell as her chest rose hard and fast. “What?”

“Samantha,” I told her, my voice sounding calmer than I felt. “She lied.”

Lou’s eyes narrowed to slits when she faced me. “Why would she lie?”

“Because she was jealous.” I struggled to swallow before saying. “Of you.”

“That’s ridiculous,” she spat.

“Was it? You came on to me that night, Lou.” And turning you down was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

“And you made it clear,” Lou said with a sneer, “that she had nothing to be jealous of.”

“Come the fuck on.” I groaned. “I had an itch she was more than eager to scratch, but one word from you, and I chose agony over pleasure. Don’t you dare tell me she had no reason to be jealous.”

She shot to her feet, and I followed her. “If I cause you so much pain, if I’m such a cruel twist of fate, why the fuck don’t you just stay away from me?” she screamed.

Just like that, we were once again at odds with each other.

I held her gaze, and whatever she saw in mine made her gasp. “Because,” I growled. And then I gripped her chin and pulled her close so I could feel her heat and she could feel my need. My arm locked around her waist, and I pressed my lips to her ear. “I’m the moth to your flame, Lou. I’d rather be burned a thousand times than be free of you.”

“But you said—” she whimpered before I gripped her chin harder and cut her off.

“I know what I said. I also warned you that I wouldn’t have the strength to change it.” I took a deep breath, and it shuddered out of me. “I’m fucking weak for you, Lou.”

I let her go, and she was suddenly shy and unsure as she avoided my gaze. “I don’t know what to say.”

“We say nothing, and we do nothing. Those are our only options, Lou.”

“But why? Being best friends doesn’t mean we can’t be there for each other…in every way.”

“It does for us.”

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