The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,116

punch, I knew it would be a bloody one.

Fortunately, Vaughn spoke before that could happen. “There’s another reason you won’t touch her, isn’t there?”

I nodded somberly unable to hide my guilt.

“Look, I don’t know what you did,” Ever said, “but its always better if she hears it from you.”

I gave him a skeptical look. “You think it will keep her from being angry?”

They all started howling at the same time.

“Fuck no!” Ever said, still laughing. At my grave expression, he quickly turned sober again. “But it will give you a chance.”

“And if your thing with her is going to work,” Jamie said, “there can only be one alpha, and from what I heard up there, Little Lou Who is moonwalking all over you.”

I knew that. Goddammit, I knew it, but there was a reason I’d always treaded carefully where Lou was concerned, and guilt had everything to do with it.

“What would you prescribe, Dr. Phil?”

Jamie shrugged. “A firm hand works wonders.”

My scowl would have folded a lesser man, but Jamie didn’t so much as blink. “Are you telling me to hit her?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m suggesting you get your balls back from her, man.”

Ever scratched his chin and grinned at me a little sheepishly. “He’s not wrong…a spanking now and then wouldn’t hurt.”

I laughed because it had crossed my mind many times, but it required crossing a line that I’d backed away from too many times to count. “She’d probably enjoy it,” I muttered.

“Yeah, but so will you,” Ever countered. “More, actually.”

I lifted a brow. “Are you speaking from experience?”

He sent me a sideways glance. “That’s private.”

Vaughn sucked his teeth. “And you don’t think girls talk about that stuff?”

Ever frowned at his friend. “Four wouldn’t…” He trailed off before staring off into the distance. Jamie and Vaughn both shared a looked before they started howling at Ever’s expense.

“So are you going to go for it?” Vaughn asked me when they both settled down.

“I don’t know…”

Jamie shook his head in disappointment before shrugging and cracking open another beer. “Maybe Lou should keep your balls,” he muttered. And then he saluted me. “She certainly wears them better.”


My eyes popped open, and my drunken gaze searched the room until I found a blurry version of Lou standing over me with her arms crossed. I could tell she was pissed, so I wracked my brain trying to remember what I’d done, but I honestly couldn’t remember anything before her calling my name.

Stupidly, I grinned up at her. “Hey, Little Lou Who.”

“What?” she questioned with a growl.

“Little Lou Who. That’s what Jamie calls you.”

I could see her glower clearly, even in my drunken state. “I don’t care what he calls me.”

“You should. You want him to fuck you, ’member?” It was my turn to glare. Turns out, not even alcohol could erase that little tidbit. I heard a snort and then a chuckle and suddenly remembered that I hadn’t been drinking alone.

Across the room, Ever was drunkenly grinning down at an annoyed Four while she tried to get him out the door. “Come on, princess,” he slurred. “I promise I’ll be quick.”

“I’m sure you will,” Four retorted wryly. “And that’s exactly why I’m saying no.”

She finally managed to get him out the door but not before I heard him asking if he could eat her out instead.

I blinked, wishing I hadn’t heard that. I didn’t hear Four’s response, but I had a pretty good idea when Ever hung his head looking as if he’d just been told he couldn’t have his favorite toy. A moment later, I heard angry shouting on the other side of the spare bedroom. I recognized Vaughn’s voice, which was deeper, but I squinted my eyes trying to place the feminine voice.

“That’s Tyra,” Lou explained. I couldn’t remember if I asked or not. “She’s going to miss her curfew since Vaughn’s too drunk to drive. They’re crashing here.”

I nodded and then moaned when my head immediately swam. Won’t be doing that again.

“Let’s go,” she told me authoritatively and then waited for me to get up. I sat back on the couch instead.

“Where are we going?” I asked, grinning.

She propped her hands on her hips impatiently. “To bed.”

“Together?” I asked, making her nostrils flare. And was that hope in my tone? I waited for the usual guilt that followed, but none came. Maybe getting wasted was all I needed to do to have sex with Lou. I snorted. I was sure she’d appreciate that.

“Yes,” she hissed. “Jamie is going to need Copyright 2016 - 2024