The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,115

up to the main house to drag her ass back. Just as I began to wonder if maybe she’d been crazy enough to leave, the door opened. I shot up from the couch ready to tear into her for making me worry, but I lost all the fight in me when I saw Ever, Jamie, and their friend who’d been with them in Times Square staring back at me.

“He’s got the bluuuues!” Jamie sang, or rather howled, as he headed for the kitchen carrying a couple of six-packs in each hand. I ignored him and the need to bash his face in and regarded the other two.

“We figured you could use some company,” Ever answered my questioning gaze.

It was the last thing I wanted, but since I couldn’t ask him to leave his own house, I sat back down and didn’t say shit.

The third in their trio with green eyes and impressive biceps flopped down next to me and said, “He forgot to mention that the girls are having a man-hating meeting, and the house is no longer safe for any of us.” He chuckled when I swore and held out his hand. “I’m Vaughn,” he supplied when I shook it.


“Are you a Corona or a Bud man?” Jamie called from the kitchen. “The wrong answer might get you hazed.”

“Then why do you have both?” I retorted.

“Because it’s a trick question,” Ever told me as he handed me a can. “Jamie doesn’t give a shit who it comes from as long as it gets him wasted.”

Jamie howled some more, and I wondered where the hell the off button was on him. I was in a foul fucking mood, and they were just making it worse.

“So…do you want to talk about it?” Ever asked me. I was surprised by his offer but I didn’t let it show.


“Why not?” Vaughn prodded before he blew out a breath. “It can’t be worse than any of our shit.”

“Dude, he’s right,” Jamie piped in as he joined us with a beer in both hands. “His girl made him drive her over here so she could talk shit about him. He just stood there taking it like a chump.”

“Shut up,” Vaughn growled at him, making Jamie cackle louder.

“She’s upset with him,” Jamie continued, “because his daddy would never let him be with her. Oh, wait…Tyra doesn’t know that, does she, Vaughn? She really thinks you only want sex.” Vaughn’s mouth tightened as he looked away. “And Ever here has his hands full juggling two girlfriends.” Jamie tilted his head as his expression turned thoughtful. “Or is Four just your sideline?” Ever’s gaze was cutting when he glanced at his cousin, but he followed Vaughn’s lead and kept his mouth shut.

I wondered how they thought to give me advice when they clearly didn’t know their asses from their elbows.

“Lou thinks you’re a dick,” I told Ever. “If your woman is really up their airing your dirty laundry, don’t bet on Lou changing her mind anytime soon.”

Ever’s eyes widened before he shook his head. “It’s amazing how fast girls band together when you fuck up,” he complained. “Four just met Lou a few hours ago.”

“Yeah, well, look at us,” Vaughn pointed out.

Ever waved his hand dismissively as he sank lower in his seat to brood.

The room grew silent, and then I noticed they were all looking at me. Realizing that I was fighting a losing battle, I pushed air through my nose and said, “Lou wants me to fuck her, but… I can’t.” She might have even wanted to be more than friends. I ignored the longing stabbing my heart and waited for their reaction.

The silence that followed didn’t last very long. “Because you think it will ruin your friendship?” Jamie asked. The humor was gone from his eyes and in its place, understanding, which I didn’t expect.

Knowing it was the simplest answer, I nodded.

“It’s a little late to worry about that when you’ve already caught feelings,” Ever snitched. “At this point, not fucking her is what’s ruining your friendship.”

When I didn’t respond, Vaughn turned to me. “Do you want her?”

“Yes,” I growled, and all three of them stared at me with matching perplexed expressions.

“Then I don’t get it,” Jamie said as he scratched his head. “Were you out of condoms or something?”

“Shut up and drink your beer,” Ever told him. The look Jamie gave him had me tensing up. At any moment, I expected them to come to blows, and since they could both throw a mean Copyright 2016 - 2024