More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,54

and kiss his soft little cheek. Absently, I notice he’s drooling more today than yesterday. It fits. I figured he’d start teething soon.

“Good. If you don’t mind, I’d love a shower. Then I’ll, um…get out of your hair.”

“Could I talk to you first?”

She frowns. “Sure. What’s up?”

Ranger fidgets, sticks his fist in his mouth, and starts fussing. I see his eyes drooping. He rubs at one in a gesture so cute I wish I had my phone handy to record it.

“Why don’t you grab that shower? I’ll put my man here in his crib. Then we can talk, okay?”

“Sure.” She turns to go, but her eyes cling to me. I see it. I feel it.

That stare means something, right? But I’m only good at deciphering females when they’re thinking about sex. I’m totally horrible when it comes to grasping emotion.

Finally, Masey looks away and heads down the hall. I can’t let her go like that.

“Wait.” With my free hand, I grasp her wrist to stay her.

She turns to me again. “What?”

I have no idea what she’ll say or how she’ll receive this, but…nothing ventured, nothing gained.

With a gentle tug, I bring her body against mine, dip my head, and cover her mouth. She doesn’t resist me at all. Instead, her lips pucker and soften beneath mine, welcoming me even when I nudge her open and slip inside, tasting her in a long, slow melding of tongues.

Like last night, she’s perfect. She smells like the sex we had. She tastes like a hint of something both minty and sweet. She feels like absolute paradise against me.

I’m making the right choice. I just hope she agrees.

When Ranger lets loose an irritable screech in my ear, I reluctantly pull away. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

For Ranger screeching? Or for kissing her? “All right, I won’t. Besides, I don’t think it’s possible for me to regret kissing you, honey.”

“I don’t want you to. But I meant your squealing little guy. He’s so cute he can make all the sounds he wants and I’ll still tell him he’s a handsome devil.” She rubs his cheek fondly. “Just like his daddy.”

I smile at Masey. “Meet you back here in ten?”


Reluctantly, I watch her disappear into the bedroom and head off to Ranger’s nursery on the opposite side of the hall. Absently, I wonder…if he goes straight down for his nap, will Masey still be in the shower? Would she want company—and an orgasm?

It’s worth a fantasy, but Ranger has other ideas, howling and throwing a fit when I change his diaper and try to wrestle him into a clean onesie.

“Buddy, you’re not making this easy. There’s a girl in the next room. I think you like her, too. How about you cut me some slack?”

He just gives me another high-pitched wail, little fists balled, and pumps his arms and legs.

“C’mon,” I cajole. “Just this once…”

Finally, Ranger calms enough for me to finish snapping him into the garment. I lift him off the changing table, kiss his forehead, and set him in his crib. When I grab his stuffed football and his pacifier, shove the former in his hands and the latter in his mouth, he calms right down.

I send a glance upward. “Thank You.”

By the time I back away from the crib and hit the threshold of his doorway, I can already hear his deep, even breathing.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I head into my bedroom just in time to see Masey step out of my bathroom wearing nothing but my robe.

I’ve had no sleep, one protein bar, and four orgasms in the last nine hours. And the instant I lay eyes on her looking so fresh and squeaky clean, a hundred lascivious ideas about how to dirty her up race through my head. My cock is totally on board.

And I need to shut that shit down, at least long enough to talk to Masey. Then, if she agrees? I’m eager to take her back to bed.

“You look great,” I blurt.

She laughs. “You’re being nice. I look like a drowned rat.”

“Nope.” Rats don’t have straight, shiny hair that flows to their shoulders and clings wetly to their breasts, making me wish my damn bathrobe was transparent. “Not even a little bit.”

A pleased smile crawls across her face. “Thanks.”

I clear my throat before sex overtakes my brain. “We should talk in the living room.”

Masey glances around with a confused frown. “We can’t talk here?”

“Honey, if you don’t put some clothes on and get me out of this room, we’ll end Copyright 2016 - 2024