More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,53

the romance thing again. I’m trying to save you a broken heart.”

I stop and glare at Harlow. “How do you know I can’t change her mind?”

“I don’t…but I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“That’s my problem. She’s here for another ten days, right?”

“Yes, but—”

“If you can get me enough time with her, I might have a shot.”

My sister-in-law looks at me like I’m crazy, but shrugs. “It’s your heart. What did you have in mind?”

“I have an idea.” But it’s crazy, and she’ll probably tell me that. Still, I’ve got nothing else.

Before I can spill it, a classic red Mustang pulls up, motor purring, and screeches to a halt. Old-school grunge music rattles the windows until the engine falls silent. A familiar figure steps out and whips off a pair of aviators. His hair is just a shade too light to be called brown. He’s dressed in khaki shorts and a tight black tank that shows off a physique that clearly indicates he has a more than passing knowledge of fitness.

“Hey, Tanner,” I call.

“How you doing?” he asks as he locks his car, then greets me with a handshake and a shoulder bump.

“Okay. Thanks for coming so early and on such short notice.”

“No problem. I’m not okay with a mob threatening women and children.” He glances at my sister-in-law. “You Amanda?”

“No, I’m Harlow.”

“She’s my brother’s wife,” I supply.

“Nice to meet you.” He shakes her hand. “Where’s Amanda?”

Nia joins us on the front walkway and answers for me. “Inside. Oliver is cranky since his sleep has been disrupted. She’s trying to get him back down. I’m Nia Cook.”

Tanner nods her way as they shake. “Nice to meet you. Can I go in and talk to her, start getting a feel for how I can best help?”

“Sure. She’s at the back of the house, down the hall, first door on the left.”

“Thanks.” Tanner glances my way. “Catch up with you later?”

“Yeah. I’ll figure out a location and call you. Good to see you, man.”

“You, too.” Then he disappears inside.

“He came quick,” Nia remarks.

“He’ll take care of Amanda,” I promise.

“That’s a load off my mind. Now if I could just figure out a place for her to stay, I would feel better. And in case you were thinking of volunteering your house”—she sends a direct stare at Harlow—“she’s already sworn she won’t go anywhere someone else’s baby might be in danger.”

“Probably just as well right now. As of last night, we also have my mother-in-law for a couple of weeks.” Harlow explains my mother’s injury. “So we’ve got a lot going on. But there’s got to be somewhere…”

“As I was just explaining to Harlow,” I say, “I have an idea.”

It’s a little after eight a.m. when I pull up in front of my condo again, nerves rattling. I wonder what Masey will say when I tell her what I’m thinking.

A glance across the parking lot reveals that my mom’s SUV is here, but now in a different parking spot. Apparently, she and my little guy have already been out and come back.

My hands are damp, so I wipe them on my shorts, blow out a breath, and decide to go for broke.

I let myself into the house and stop short at the sight of Masey bouncing all twenty pounds of Ranger on her thigh like she’s giving him a horsey ride. Neither of them sees me, and a smile crawls across my face as I watch her bouncing and smiling, encouraging my son. And I hear his sweet giggle.

It’s not a sound I hear a lot. My little man is a tough customer when it comes to being outright giddy. I can calm him when he’s fussy. I entertain him when he’s bored. But getting him to laugh so absolutely has always been a rare feat.

Watching them together does my heart good. Masey might think she wants time alone to contemplate her ten-year disaster with Thom, but when I think of the way she filled my arms last night and I see her with my son, I’m hard-pressed to believe she couldn’t develop some feelings for us over time.

Pfft. You thought that about her, too. Where did that get you?

Why won’t that fucking voice in my head shut up?

“I’m back,” I announce.

“Whee!” Masey sends Ranger sliding down her leg, earning another baby laugh. “That’s good timing. I think he’s about ready for a change and a nap.”

“I’ll take him. Thanks again.”

“Everything okay at Nia’s?”

“For now, yeah.” I take my boy from her arms Copyright 2016 - 2024