More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,85

my brother asks.


I feel Masey’s caring in the way she looks at me, kisses me, and makes love with me. It’s also in the way she laughs when I screw up folding laundry or she playfully kicks water at me when we take walks along the beach. I finally understand why my brother was willing to sacrifice his own happiness to ensure Harlow has the life she wanted, even if that was without him.

Since I can’t blurt how I feel—I agree with Harlow—what can I do to prove to Masey I’m serious? I really don’t fucking know. “Something’s gotta give soon.”

“It hasn’t even been a week.”

“Damn it, she was with Thom for years, and he treated her like shit. If I can’t convince her I never will, she’ll leave next week. And it will be over.”

Noah nods as if he sees my dilemma. “You have to make her feel special.”

“Don’t you think I’m trying?”

My mother enters the kitchen then, walking slowly with the use of a cane.

I rise and help her across the room. “Makuahine?”

“Did you come down the stairs alone?” Noah chides.

“I’m slightly injured, not incapable of getting around.” She tsks at my brother, then looks at me expectantly. “Noah knows what he’s talking about, keikikāne.”

“And I’m listening.”

Yesterday, I returned some customer phone calls, giving Masey time to edit her recently filmed videos so she would know I can give her professional space. Then we cuddled on the sofa during a chick flick, followed by an action-adventure film, so she knows I can compromise. Then this morning, after I woke Masey with breakfast in bed, we strolled a local arts-and-crafts festival hand in hand, so she knows I want to spend time with her doing more than having sex.

Still, that’s not enough.

My mother glances at Masey on the patio. “I have a sense for these things. Don’t give up on her.”

She had a sense about Noah and Harlow, too.

After I leave my brother a few more things for my napping son, I caress his downy head in the playpen and promise to be back for him tomorrow. The ladies join us out front.

“Thanks again, you two.” I wave to my brother and sister-in-law, then kiss my mother’s cheek. “Bye, Makuahine.”

Masey turns to Harlow. “Thanks for everything.”

“Don’t forget what I said.”

She nods. “I won’t. Love you bunches.”

My sister-in-law sends her a cheeky grin. “Of course you do.”

They both laugh, then I take Masey’s hand and lead her to my truck, and we climb inside. “What did you and Harlow talk about?”

She doesn’t move, but I feel her shrink back at my question. “She gave me some things to consider.”

“Want to share? I’m happy to listen.”

“Thanks, but…” She looks off in the distance, brow furrowed. “I need to work this out on my own.”

My gut tightens. She’s not leaving for the mainland tomorrow, but I feel her slipping away. In my head, I realize I’ve had four years to get over my two-week love affair. She’s had less than one to recover from a decade. Still, I’m more than a vacation fling to Masey, right?

Maybe not.

Fuck, why keep fighting if winning Masey is a losing battle? Because I can’t just quit. Noah said to make Masey feel special. I need to find more ways to show her I love her.

Since I owe her dinner out for watching Ranger, I take her out to one of my favorite seafood shacks. We have some drinks and some laughs, dance to the kitschy little band playing beachside. Once we’re back at my condo, I tumble her into bed, filling her up with every desperate inch of my cock, kissing her feverishly, and telling her with my body that I’ve fallen for her. She answers in kisses and moans, scratches across my back, whispered pleas, and orgasms before sleeping in my arms, seemingly satisfied.

But I don’t feel any closer to winning her over.

By Wednesday, I feel wound up. We start the day with sex. We finish breakfast with sex. We shower and have more sex. I can’t stop touching her. I’ve already resigned myself to the fact that sex won’t convince her of what’s in my heart, but without blurting the words, I’ve got nothing else.

What we don’t do anymore? Practice safe sex. I’m guessing she’s back on her birth control pills and doesn’t see the point of condoms. Me? I don’t want to trap her, but I hate not being as close to her as possible. I picture us raising Ranger and all our Copyright 2016 - 2024