More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,35

seemingly endless blue, and realizing how big this world is and how small you are. It’s humbling, you know?”

My ravenous stomach answers with an insistent rumble. We both laugh.

“I’m guessing your belly wants you to talk less and eat more.”

“Yeah. I forgot my lunch, and this smells great.”

We both dig in. I moan through half my meal because, holy shit, this is amazing. My mom is a great cook, but her specialties are Asian food, anything with pork, and banana bread. I haven’t had good spaghetti in forever.

“Damn, this is fantastic,” I tell her.

Ranger seems to agree with a screech as he pounds his little fist on the tray of his high chair.

We both laugh, and she sends my son a fond smile. “Maybe I’ll make it for you when you get a little older, big boy.”

She won’t be around, and that kind of dims my mood, but it’s sweet of her to make small talk with him.

After I clean my plate—and part of hers she couldn’t finish—I offer to do the dishes. She shoos me away. “You’ve been gone all day. Spend time with Ranger before he goes to bed. Looks like he’s already getting sleepy.”

Chances are, he’ll be lights out by eight or so. It’s already a little after seven. I hate the days I don’t get to spend more than an hour or two with him.

“Thanks. I’ll go give him a bath. He likes playtime in the tub.”

“Perfect. I’ll do the dishes.” She sends me a sassy smile. “And don’t thank me. It’s better this way. I’ve seen your version of cleaning.”

“Yeah…” I rub at the back of my neck. “Guilty. I’m not a fan. But I’m doing better.”

Masey raises an arched brow. “I would have hated to see your place before your ‘improvement.’”

She doesn’t mince words, and it makes me laugh. “Notice that I didn’t say I was great.”

“At least you know your shortcomings.”

“I do.” I saunter in her direction and stop resisting the temptation to slide my arms around her and put my hands wherever I find skin. “I also know my strengths. Want to guess what I’m good at?”

Our eyes meet. Her breath catches. “I think I know…but I wouldn’t mind finding out for sure.”

“I’ll be happy to show you. What time will you finish filming?”

“I’m going to skip work tonight.”

I smile her way. “Let’s get the little guy in bed. Then…”

“You’re on.” She brushes her cheek against mine and breathes into my ear.

My body erupts in goose bumps. I actually fucking tingle.

Last night, sleeping next to her without being able to touch her was torture. Tonight, I’m anticipating, will end very differently.

I kiss her slowly and linger. I don’t dare go deeper or the dishes will sit undone and Ranger will get cranky because he’s not in bed. Then I back away because…adult responsibilities.

Twenty minutes later, Masey wanders down the hall and finds me in Ranger’s room, securing a fresh diaper and tucking him into train-themed pajamas. I tickle his ribs, and he giggles for me. Then I reach for his little baby brush and arrange his clean hair in place. Not that it will matter after he’s slept.

“Hey, handsome.” She pats his back gently.

Ranger lunges for Masey and gives an excited coo when she picks him up.

“So you didn’t mean me, huh?” I tease as I finish combing my son’s hair.

“I’ll get to you shortly. For now, I’m kind of digging this little guy.” She bounces him against her chest. “Isn’t that right?”

I tsk and bend down in front of my son. “I see how you are, checking out on your old man for the first pretty girl who tells you you’re hot. I know. I know… We all get suckered by a pretty face at some point.”

She laughs at me as she sets him back on his changing table. “This boy is way too smart for that, just like his dad, I’m sure.”

I wish that was true, but Masey is wrong.

Suddenly, I’m standing on the dock of my houseboat with another woman, in another time, having my heart crushed under her dainty heel. My throat closes up.

But Masey doesn’t notice, simply kisses my son’s downy little head. “Sleep good, baby man.” Then she turns to go, casting me a seductive gaze over her shoulder as she breezes out of the room. “I’ll be waiting…”

For me to fuck her.

That’s what she wants from me. All she wants from me.

I don’t reply. I can’t. My head is a goddamn tangle.

As she disappears into Copyright 2016 - 2024