More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,34

upcoming “April Favorites-or-Forget-Its,” which she would post somewhere around May first. A glance back reveals that she does, in fact, do a wrap-up of the previous month’s products at the beginning of the following month. She uses and reviews dozens, maybe hundreds of products every few weeks. First of all, who knew there were that many beauty products on the market? Second, how does she keep everything straight? It must take an amazing amount of organization.

I scroll through some of the user comments in the current video. Viewers love her. One points out that she’s so glad that Masey is seemingly herself again after her horrible breakup and she knew Thom was a prick from the way he behaved on camera.

That just raises more questions in my head as I scrape the razor across the last of my shaving cream and scrub my face with my towel.

“Trace?” she calls down the hall. “Dinner is ready if you are.”

I cut off the video and darken my phone. “Be right there.”

Tossing on a clean pair of shorts and a T-shirt that says That’s a horrible idea. What time?, I run down the hall. She’s already set the table and is plating the food. She opens a bottle of red wine and pours us each a glass.

“Didn’t mean to rush you,” she says by way of apology.

“Are you kidding? Do you know how rare it is that anyone cooks for me? I even have to beg my mother these days. This is a treat.”

“It’s just spaghetti.”

“Um, with homemade sauce, salad, and garlic bread that smells awesome.”

She laughs. “Well, I like to cook. I grew up doing it since my dad really couldn’t and my mom, as a nurse, worked weird hours. And I decided if the makeup gig ever falls through, I can start another channel about organizing, cooking, and shopping hacks. I love that kind of stuff.”

The woman was meant to be some lucky man’s wife and have his equally lucky kids. She’ll take amazing care of her family someday. Despite cooking, she still managed to set the table and wrangle Ranger into his high chair with a bottle and some Cheerios.

I don’t know who will be fortunate enough to be Masey’s husband someday…but weirdly, I’m already a little jealous.

And I feel stupid. I owe her a night of sex. That’s all she wants from me. It would be better for us both if I don’t get stupid thoughts in my head about wanting more.

“Clearly, you’re great at it. By the way, your skin after that masque looks pretty amazing.”

It’s bright and smooth with a healthy glow. Her cheeks appear slightly rosy and her lips have a glossy sheen. Her look now is really different from the vamp in the bar last night, but in a way, I like this version better. This version is real.

“Thanks. Frankly, it should since it’s two hundred dollars a tube.”

“What?” I can’t fathom that. “People pay that much for a masque?”

“Some, but I’m already mentally drafting an email to this brand to tell them that, while I think their product is great, it’s definitely not worth the price. I can think of three others off the top of my head that are half the price, work just as well, and don’t smell nearly as terrible when you first put it on. They may not care. It’s supposed to launch next month. I just don’t get it. And I’ll be clear when I tell people that in my video.” She shrugs. “It’s a popular brand, so the people who support it will still drop their money and use the masque—”

“Seriously? Even though there are cheaper and better alternatives?”

“Yeah. That’s how brand support goes. The owner is a personality, and people really like her. The brand is still relatively new, so people are even more willing to help out…” She winces. “Sorry to ramble. Eat in peace.”

“You’re not rambling. It’s really interesting. I had no idea this industry existed.”

“Pretty crazy, right? In high school, I dreamed I could eventually make money off my love of beauty products and skin care. Now I am. My mom is a little disappointed. I think she wanted me to go into nursing, but I don’t have the temperament for it. I take loss too hard.”

I can picture that. Masey has a soft heart.

“I get it. I think my mom is less than enthusiastic about my career choice, too,” I admit. “But man, there’s nothing like being out on the water, looking at Copyright 2016 - 2024