A Moment Like You (The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,47

a plane and say ‘Fuck it, I’m bailing’ because you’re not next to me. For Beacon, it’s his band. For me, it is you. Not my company.”

Her brown eyes open wide just like her mouth.

“Go and change,” I order heading back inside the house. “We’ll go for a run around town, and then we can work out at the gym.”

I hope the bullshit Hayes fed me works. Being open and honest has never been a practice of mine. I was taught to be my own man and just act as it’s more convenient for me. Sophia is all that matters, and changing my ways is not only for her benefit, but mine.



It doesn’t take me long to adjust to my new routine. I’m aware that it’s temporary, but I prefer to think of this as the next phase of Sophia’s life. Not that I’ll tell this to Henry, but so far, I’m enjoying the new pace.

I don’t know if it’s because I live in a small town, or my current office is just a few minutes away, but I see my parents more often. I don’t say this lightly. I used to visit them every day so I could help Dad with Mom. Now I have more quality time with them, which is refreshing.

My things arrive on time, but we have to store them because the house isn’t ready yet. The modifications and additions Henry ordered for the house are taking longer than Easton projected.

Henry and I have our own routine. We start with an early run around town. Then, we drop by the gym he set up with his brothers. Inside the gym, they built a studio in case we—Blaire, Leyla, or I—want to use it for pilates, yoga, or any other activity. I am in love with the place because I can practice yoga every morning without worrying about knocking something down as would happen at my place in New York. After an hour of meditating, stretching, and practicing my asanas, I head to my house.

Henry is usually waiting for me, already showered and dressed in one of the tailored suits that make him look hot as sin. It’s become part of our routine. Once I’m done, we walk to my parents’ house where Dad serves us breakfast. I leave them chatting and go to my house to get ready for the day.

By the end of the second week, the construction in the house where I’ll be living for the next two years is ready. Since I’m too busy with work, the Aldridge brothers volunteer to help me on Friday after work, but before dinner.

Everyone arrives around five. Dad comes over to help too. Since there are too many hands around the house, he goes into the kitchen where he prepares dinner for everyone. It doesn’t take us more than two hours to set almost everything. I just need to unpack my closet, but as I explained to them, I need time to figure out how I’m going to organize it.

It’s after seven when we’re all sitting down eating the feast Dad prepared.

“Wait, where did you get all the food?” I ask Dad, frowning at the empty platters.

“The refrigerator was full, just like the pantry,” he answers.

I go and check. Everything is indeed filled with my favorites. I turn to look at Henry who is chatting with Pierce and Hayes.

Why would he do this? I’m usually the one who stocks his house and donates everything he doesn’t use before the next food delivery.

“Dude, you should open a restaurant in town,” Beacon says after eating his third arepa. I look at Dad, wondering if he misses his old life. I know he’d rather be caring for Mom, but what about him?

“Everything you prepared tonight was delicious,” Blaire agrees.

“I’d second the restaurant,” Vance says, reaching for the last flauta on the platter.

“Or just invite us for dinner often,” Mills amends, patting his stomach.

Everyone agrees.

“I’m glad you guys liked it,” Dad smiles with satisfaction because there’s nothing better than knowing they loved his food—I know how happy that makes him.

“Now that I have more time,” I say, “You should teach me how to cook.”

He chuckles. “You’re always busy, and the kitchen isn’t for you, Mija. You should marry a man who knows how to cook, or your children are going to starve.”

“Single is the new happy,” I state before he nags me with the same old I wish you could find a good man.

Even when Henry is talking with his brothers,

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