A Moment Like You (The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,46

G chooses not to reschedule?”

“She knows your situation. Why don’t you invite her over to spend a week with us so she can understand what it is that we’re doing?”

“What are we doing, Henry?” he questions. His eyebrows pull close and down as he crosses his arms.

“Saving a town from a demented man who believed he owned every inhabitant and us. We’re changing the landscape and creating something different. I hope that with our help in two years this place is going to be better. Big enough that they don’t have to drive to Portland to run errands, but still small and inviting for the tourists.”

“Was that Henry?” Blaire asks. “Maybe miracles can happen.”

I glare at Hayes who chuckles at his fiancée’s comment.

“Fine,” Beacon exhales loudly. “But expect the bill because I’m going to send a signed T-shirt to every person who bought a ticket.”

“Kid, don’t be an asshat,” Hayes says. “Stream a concert from the bar or…find something that focuses more on your music and less on fucking your brother.”

“Okay, I’m hanging up because it’s our Aldridge free night,” Blaire states.

“Just a reminder, you have to spend the night at home,” Pierce says.

“We’ll be there soonish. Keep away from the family room because we’re using it tonight,” Leyla warns us. “We’re bringing ice cream, but can you go to the bakery and see if they have any of Sophia’s favorite cookies?”

“I’ll go and get them after dinner,” I offer. “Drive safely.”

It’s around two in the morning when I wake up. I slept for about two hours, right after I heard Hayes had been kicked out of his bedroom and Sophia was staying for the night. The friends are having a slumber party. They had Vance go to Sophia’s hotel room to pick up one of her bags. My poor brother got to sleep on the couch but swore that the next time Pierce will be the one giving up his room.

I don’t lay on the bed for long though. Instead, I pull out my laptop from its case and head outside so I don’t wake up anyone. It’s already ten in the morning in London. I can get a lot done between now and the time I can go out for a run. It’s past four when I hear the entry door opening.

“Do they know?” I hear Sophia’s voice before I see her coming out of the house.

“Know what?”

“That you don’t sleep,” she states.

“I sleep more than I used to, but I still don’t have dreams,” I confess and ask, “What are your dreams?”

“Lately, I’m searching for a knife to stab you,” she answers, taking a seat next to me. “I never understood why you dragged managers from one hotel to the other, disrupting their lives and complicating everything. Now, I think you just do it because you’re bored and demented.”

“I know you doubt my methods, but I do what’s best for everyone.”

“For your bottom line,” she states. “I’ve applied for four positions within the company, and you awarded them to people less knowledgeable. I could have managed your company without any issues. Yet, here I am.”

Hayes told me that if I explained to her my reasons, she’d be more understanding. I’m not sure if that’d be the case. I don’t trust that she’ll get it, not yet. Perhaps I don’t trust that I know how to let my walls down and let her see all of me.

“What do you think is more important, Ms. Aragon?”


“Merkel Hotels & Spas or this town?”

“Is that a trick question?”

“No. Give me an honest answer. If you have to save one, which one would you choose?”

She remains quiet, and I wish there were more light so I could see her better, read her. Knowing her, she might be compiling a list of assets that would make it possible to save both.

“If you were in my place, which one would you concentrate your best assets on for the next eighteen months?”

I modify the scenario, knowing it’ll be easier to answer instead of her trying to reorganize my company in her head so she can convince me that it’d be best if she goes back to New York.

She looks at the horizon, then closes her eyes for a second before answering, “The town.”

I nod absently, staring at the sun rising between the peaks. “Leaving you in New York was never an option, Soph. You can save the factory, you know Merkel better than anyone…and most of all, I don’t have the need to jump on

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