Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,61

ensuring that my ankle made a gentle landing on the pillow. “Necessary, probably not, but we’re going to have a serious conversation, and I’d like to be as close to you as possible while we talk. Is that okay? Me, holding you?”

“I don’t hate it, but it’s not going to distract me from needing to know why all my stuff is here and not at my sublet.”

“All of your belongings, as you so dramatically stated, are not in bags by the elevator. All your belongings are in Michigan in your house.”

“Really. That’s your argument, counselor?”

“My opening statement. If I may continue?” His lips placed a soft kiss on my neck, right behind my ear.

My body relaxed against his chest. Unlike Eric’s pumped up muscles, Anderson was long and lean like the swimmer I’d watched one summer years ago. I felt his fingers gently turn my face so he could look in my eyes. A flippy-flop happened in my stomach when his lips stopped inches from mine.

“I am so sorry we were arguing. I’m sorry I didn’t fully explain the apartment offer.”

“That is a mammoth understatement, but continue.”

He surprised me with a quick peck. My connection to the man whose lap I sat on gave me a shiver. His forehead rested against mine.

“I’d like you to move in here—my house. I live at my parents’ house, so we won’t be living together. This place is empty.” His eyes darted to my ankle.

“I don’t think–” Anderson pressed his lips against mine for a moment.

“Look, the place is available. You need a place and staying here would give you some time to bank some money. I’ll know you’re a saver.”

“Can I bring dates here?” I fought to keep a straight face, but the flash of emotions that Anderson went through made it impossible not to laugh.

“Yes. You can bring dates here anytime you want.”

“Really?” My voice just about cracked.

“Sure. As long as I’m the date you’re bringing.”

This time when he kissed me, I didn’t let him pull away so quickly.

“You are giving in way too easily. You’re going to stay here?”

“Yes.” I crossed my fingers. A battle this size had its time and place. This wasn’t it.

“Wow. Alright. That was way easier than I anticipated. Thank you. After seeing the building you were staying in, I’m only sorry I didn’t offer you the use of this place sooner.”

Growling sounds came out of my stomach. “I’m getting hungry. Would you toss me one of those bags of snacks that Soraya brought?”

Anderson lifted me, watching my ankle, and slid out from under me. The bag had all the food groups covered. Salt. Sweet. Savory. Coffee. “Chocolate-covered coffee beans. Soraya is the best person in the world.”

“Hello. I just gave you a house.”

Giggling, I mouthed, ‘chocolate-covered coffee beans.’

“Don’t eat too much, I’m ordering dinner.” He bent down and opened his mouth for a candy.

“I’m injured and stuck on a sofa for the next forty-eight hours, and you want to limit my chocolate-covered coffee beans intake?” The plastic wrapper crinkled as I held it to my chest.

He nodded with his sexy ass grin. That’s when it hit me. There was no way I was going to be able to refuse him anything. Gently digging out the two biggest beans, I placed them in his mouth, and he wrapped his lips around my fingers, sucking them a little. Dear Jesus.

“You better take it easy and get all healed up. I’ve got some serious plans for us, and you’ll need all your strength for what I have in mind.”

His chuckle turned into a belly laugh as he watched the flush of red that I felt in my cheeks. Usually, I wasn’t this shy, but for some reason, his words promised something I didn’t think I’d ever experienced. He’s going to consume me.



The sound of laughter and squeals floating in from another room on the floor roused me from my half-asleep state and almost sent me flying off the toilet seat. My ankle throbbed from the short walk to the bathroom, so I used the counter for balance as I pulled up my panties. A muffled male voice seeped through the wall.

I mentally kicked myself for insisting Anderson go back to his parents’ house. The argument he presented to justify him staying was solid, but I needed to put some distance between us. Well, at least until I was healed. There was no trusting we wouldn’t try to get creative, even with my injured ankle.

When I heard champagne glasses clanging

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