Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,60

is it’s badly sprained and will be more painful tomorrow.” He removed a small pad from his coat pocket and made some notes. Tearing off the top sheet, he handed it to Soraya. As Dr. Harlow began to explain, Anderson and Eric entered the room.

“Dr. Harlow, what a surprise.” Anderson extended his hand to the seated doctor.

“Anderson Douglas. It has been too long. How are your parents doing? I haven’t heard anything from them for quite some time.”

“They’re still in France, so all is good.” Anderson said with a chuckle. He gestured down to me, “How’s our patient?”

“Hey,” I gave Eric a quick wave as he plopped into a chair across from the sofa.

“How you doing?” He chuckled at my eye roll. “Understand completely.”

Dr. Harlow stood for his announcement, “My recommendation is for Ms. Jurnee to stay off the foot for the next few days, elevate the leg above her heart, pain meds to manage the discomfort. Soraya, hand me the bandage.”

He returned to the chair and slowly wrapped from my toes up to above my ankle. “Who is going to be assisting Jurnee?”

“I will be.” Anderson piped up, and I caught something pass over Eric’s face.

“Great, see how I started this down here and worked my way up? That’s how you’re going to want to do it. Keep it wrapped for twenty-four hours. If there is still this much swelling in 48 hours, I want her taken in for x-rays. And, Missy, I don’t give a darn about your out-of-network insurance issues. Am I clear?”

“Yes,” Anderson replied as he stared down at me.

“Yes, Sir.” My words were a whisper.

“Alright,” Soraya chimed in, “Anderson, I brought snacks, games, and a couple of books to help keep this one entertained. Are you sticking around for the rest of the day?”

“Not going anywhere–”

“Good.” Soraya smiled down at me. “Braxton, will you join me for an afternoon cocktail? It’s the least I can do for disrupting your day with a house call.”

The doctor beamed. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I declined such an offer?”

He handed me a business card with only his name and phone number. They said their goodbyes to everyone and headed for the door. Dr. Harlow paused, “Do not hesitate to contact me if it gets worse. We’ll get a picture of it. Deal?”

“Deal.” Anderson gritted his teeth through his response. Something told me he was not pleased about the current situation. “Thank you, Soraya. Dr. Harlow.”

Anderson escorted the visitors to the door. When I glanced in Eric’s direction, he gave me a quick smile. I returned the smile. Okay. Weird.

Anderson crossed the room and sat in the chair left by Dr. Harlow. There was definitely something going on. It didn’t take Anderson long to get straight to the point.

“We need to talk.”

His tone made me nervous. “Okay.”

Eric raised his hands and chuckled, “Sorry, Jurnee. I’ve waited a long time to watch Anderson get put in his place. I really want to enjoy this.”

Anderson rolled his eyes. “Thanks, man. Can you at least get her a bottle of water?”

“Got one.” I lifted the bottle Soraya had given me.

“There you go. She’s got one. Go ahead.”





“For fuck’s sake.” Eric barked as he headed for the door.

“Jurnee,” he raised his hand to stop me from saying anything. He started to speak when Eric returned with a large suitcase and several bags.

“Dude, where do you want me to put all of Jurnee’s stuff that we cleared out of her apartment?”

All of Jurnee’s stuff. Cleared out of her apartment.

Twisting, I tried to maneuver around the chair that was blocking me from getting up.

“No!” Anderson and Eric yelled in unison. Anderson lifted my good leg back up onto the pillow.

“You are to stay put. Doctor’s orders.”

“What is he talking about?” I crossed my arms across my chest, no longer feeling the pain in my ankle. “What are you talking about, Eric?”

“My job is done here. I’ll leave these by the elevator.” A moment later, Eric yelled from the other room. “Feel better, Jurnee. Anderson, call me anytime you need my help. Later.”

The two of us stared at one another for several minutes before Anderson got up to return the chair to where it belonged. He returned to the sofa and slid his hands under my knees and around my back, lifting me into the air.

“This is not necessary for you to tell me why all of my belongings are sitting in bags next to the elevator.”

He lowered himself down on the sofa,

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