Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,40

for dinner?”

“You pick.” Jurnee jotted a note in her planner.

“Are you sure? How adventurous are you?” The surprise on her face made me laugh.

She shut her planner and placed her pen on top. “Let’s start off tame and see where it goes.”

“Dinner, right?” Dude, you are not a fifteen-year-old horny kid.

“Very funny. Yes, dinner.” Jurnee grabbed my forearm, “Oh, near a bridge.”

“I don’t understand. Near a bridge?”

Jurnee sighed, “I haven’t been able to see much of the city yet.”

“Ah. I believe I’ve got the perfect place in mind to enjoy a warm breezy Autumn evening dinner date.”

“I’m looking forward to it. Now, if apartment hunting can go as easily, I’ll be winning.”

“My friend, Eric, has a few apartments available. I think you’d like them. I’ll text you the address.”

“Cool. Thanks.”

Okay. That went better than I thought it would. Let’s do this.


A warm stream of vomit ran down my pant leg as I gathered Jurnee’s thick shoulder-length hair out of her face. Her whimper reverberated against my inner thigh moments before the meal and wine we had enjoyed earlier covered my leg, car seat, and floor. Jurnee getting sick outside the restaurant where we had just finished a great meal and even better conversation, took the night in the opposite direction than I would’ve predicted.

“Where to?” Markus asked as Jurnee’s heaving came to a pause.

“Home.” I scanned the sidewalk to see if anyone was paying attention to the car.


The confirmation on my face met Markus’s waiting stare in the rearview mirror. Dry heaving had replaced vomiting. At one point, Jurnee sat up. A flood of emotions passed over her face before she turned her body toward the window and curled up into a surprisingly small ball on the seat next to me. I gently collected her into my arms and brought her to my lap. Bowing to place a soft kiss on the top of her head, it hit me that there was no place I’d rather be than covered in vomit holding this woman. What is happening to me?

Her whimper vibrated into my chest as I smoothed her hair and rubbed her back. The many facets of this woman kept me enthralled. No part of me wished her pain and suffering, but I liked the fact that I was here to take care of her. The significance of this was not lost on me. And that I chose the meal that made her sick.

Markus glared at me as he pushed the elevator button and clutched Jurnee’s bag in his hand. This was uncharted territory for both of us. Women didn’t come to my parents’ house. Ever.

“Too much to drink or the food?”

Feeling Jurnee shift, I moved my hold from around her shoulders to her waist. “Food. Can you–”

“Call the restaurant and let them know before I take the car to be scrubbed? What did she eat?”

“Seafood ravioli.”

The doors opened on the first floor. Markus offered to bring up fluids after the call and pressed the sixth floor’s button from outside the elevator. Two minutes later, Jurnee assured me she was strong enough to shower. I peeled off my vomit-soaked clothes and headed down the stairs to Madeline’s suite for something for Jurnee to wear. The realization there was no place I’d rather be hit me like a sledgehammer as I grabbed some of my sister’s leggings.

I deposited the change of clothes on the bathroom counter, then began to play For Stormboy softly on the piano as Markus walked in, carrying an armful of supplies and Jurnee’s purse.

“Ginger ale. Crackers. Water. She alright?” He laid Jurnee’s purse on the chaise.

“She was strong enough to request a shower. I’m guessing she will be fairly out of it soon.”

“Need anything else?”

“No. Thanks for your help.”

We both turned to see Jurnee exit the bathroom. Averting his eyes, he quickly excused himself. I made my way over to the bed and pulled back the covers for her.

“Do you have clothes in all sizes, or was I just lucky?”

“They’re Madeline’s.”

Jurnee snuggled down into the bed like a little girl settling in for a good night of sleep. “Your sister?”

“One of them.”

Her eyes closed. I brushed my fingers over her cheek and placed a bottle of water in her hand. “Drink some of this before you sleep.”

Taking several small sips, Jurnee handed the bottle back and laid back down. She whispered an apology and slipped off to sleep. After a few minutes of watching her sleep, I returned to the sitting room and my piano, my fingers

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