Midnight Rising - By Lara Adrian Page 0,16

flying out of Prague the day after tomorrow."

"We could wait for you, Dylan." Nancy hefted her backpack up over her shoulder. "Maybe we should forget about Vienna and rebook our flights too, so we can all go home together."

"Yes," Marie agreed. "Maybe we should."

Dylan shook her head. "Absolutely not. I'm not going to ask any of you to spend the last day of your trip babysitting me when it's really not necessary. I'm a big girl. Nothing's going to happen. Go on, I'll be perfectly fine."

"You're sure, honey?" Janet asked.

"Positive. Enjoy yourselves in Vienna. I'll see you back home in the States in a couple of days."

It took a further round of fretting and tongue-clucking before the three women finally made their way to the departure platform. Dylan walked along with them, waiting as they boarded. She watched the train roll out of the station, then turned to leave with the rest of the people who'd come to see loved ones off that night.

As she walked toward the station exits, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being observed. Paranoia, no doubt, brought on by Janet's worrying on her behalf. But still...

Dylan glanced around her in a casual pan of the area, trying not to look anxious or lost - emotional beacons for the types of people who liked to prey on stupid tourists. She held her purse in front of her, one arm locked down over it to keep it close to her body. She knew public transportation areas were prime targets for thieves, just like in the States, and she didn't miss the fact that the group of local teens hanging at a bank of pay phones near the exit were casting measured looks at the crowds as they dispersed. Pickpockets, most likely. She'd heard they often ran in packs around these places.

Just to be safe, she cut a wide berth and avoided them, taking the farthest door from the group.

She was feeling pretty street-savvy when she noticed a uniformed security guard walk up to the guys and show them the door. They loped off, and Dylan reached for the push bar on the glass door in front of her.

In the reflection coming back at her from the glass, she saw a familiar face - one that made her heart seize up in her chest.

Behind her, almost close enough to touch her, was a very large man barreling at her from the direction of the train platforms. Fierce eyes seemed to burn like coals under the fall of his dark hair.

And his mouth...

Good God, she'd never seen a more terrifying sneer in her life. A row of perfect white teeth were clamped tightly behind the lips that were peeled back in a feral snarl, pulling the muscles of his lean face into a stark, deadly mask.

It was him - the man she'd found in the mountain cave outside Jicin.

He'd followed her all this way? Evidently so. She'd thought he might be crazy when she saw him earlier that day, but now she was certain. The way he looked at her now, he had to be an utter psychopath.

And he was gunning for her like he meant to tear her apart with his bare hands.

Dylan shrieked; she couldn't hold back her sharp gasp of fear. She ducked away from the exit, pulling a hard left and running, hopefully out of his path. A quick glance backward only made her pulse slam harder.

"Oh, Jesus," she murmured, fright arrowing through her.

It couldn't be him. He couldn't be here looking for her...

But it was him.

And from the knot of terror that was lodged in her throat, she wasn't about to stand around and ask him what he wanted from her.

She raced over to the station security guard and grabbed the man by the arm. "Help, please! Someone's after me." She flung a look over her shoulder, pointing behind her. "He's back there - light trench coat and long dark hair. Please. You have to help me!"

The uniformed Czech frowned, but he must have understood her because he followed her panicked gesture, his narrowed eyes scanning the station. "Where?" he asked, his English thickly accented. "Show me this man. Who is bothering you?"

"I don't know who he is, but he was right behind me. You can't miss him - more than six feet tall, shoulders like a linebacker, dark, dingy hair hanging over his face..."

Feeling safer now, she turned around, ready to confront the lunatic and hopefully watch him be carted off

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