Midnight Rising - By Lara Adrian Page 0,15

mental persuasion, the operator of the small hotel in town had been cooperative enough to direct him toward Prague, where the American female and her companions had mentioned they were heading for the last leg of their stay abroad.

The tranced human had also been persuaded to fit Rio with a lightweight trench coat from the hotel's lost-and-found. Although the taupe garment was out of season and several sizes too small, it did a decent job hiding the worst of the filthy, bloodstained rags he wore underneath. He didn't give a shit about style or his looks, or even his certain stench, but he didn't need to draw undue attention by walking into a public place like some kind of castaway freak show.

Rio tried to mask his muscular bulk and height, assuming a hunched yet purposeful shuffle as he ambled through the busy station. No one gave him anything more than a passing glance, the humans subconsciously dismissing him as one of the dozen-plus homeless unfortunates who loitered near the platforms or slept in corners of the station as the trains screeched and roared through the terminal.

With his head down to hide the scar-riddled left side of his face, eyes intense beneath the fall of his unkempt hair, Rio headed for the exit that would put him on a direct path into the heart of the city, where his hunt for the woman and her damning pictures would resume.

Anger kept him focused, even when his head began to spin in the noisy, harshly lit cavern of the station. He ignored the swamping feelings of dizziness and confusion, pushing them down deep so he could find his course and keep it.

Forcing his vision to clear, he moved through a tight knot of young men engaged in a sudden argument in the middle of the terminal. The verbal contest turned physical as Rio passed, one skinny kid from the group getting shoved into a well-dressed English tourist who was yammering on a cell phone as he hurried for the train. The unwitting mark scowled as he recovered from the very deliberate collision and continued on, unaware that he'd just lost his wallet to the gang of professional pickpockets. The thieves moved off with their score, dispersing into the crowd where they would probably pull the same stunt a few more times before the night was through.

In another time, another place, Rio might have gone after the juvenile delinquents, just to set them straight. To show them that the night had eyes...and teeth, if they were too cocky to take a helpful hint.

But he was through playing the dark angel to the humans who lived alongside his kind. Let them cheat and kill one another. He frankly didn't care. As of lately, there wasn't much of anything he cared about - save his oath of honor pledged to his brethren of the Order.

Damn fine job he'd done upholding that vow.

He'd let them down by not sealing the mountain crypt as they'd trusted him to do several months ago. Now that failure was compounded. Now there was a witness. With photographs.

Yeah, absolutely stellar job he'd done so far.

Now the situation was as fucked up as he was.

Rio strode hard for the station exit, inhaling the countless scents that filled the air around him and processing them with a ruthless, determined concentration.

His feet stopped moving at the first trace of juniper and honey.

He swung his head around, following the tickle in his nose like a hound let loose on felled game. The scent of the one he sought was fresh - too fresh to be anything but immediately present.

Madre de Dios.

The woman he hunted was here, in the train station.

"You sure you're going to be okay by yourself, honey? I don't feel right about leaving you behind like this."

"I'll be fine."

Dylan gave Janet and the other two women quick hugs as the group of them stood inside Prague's central train station. It was busy even at this time of night, the art deco building crowded with travelers, panhandlers, and quite a number of sleeping homeless people.

"What if something should happen to you?" Janet asked. "Your mom would never forgive us - and I would never forgive myself - if you get hurt or lost or mugged."

"Thirty-two years in New York hasn't killed me. I'm pretty sure I can survive a day here on my own."

Marie's brow furrowed. "And what about your flight home?"

"Already taken care of. I changed everything online back at the hotel. I'll be

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