A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1) - Katie Holland Page 0,72

the building. The security guard made sure that the door was closed behind us. Neither of us said a word until we were in the elevator.

“Holy shit,” I said.

“No kidding. Who knew we’d come home to an angry mob. How bad were the emails?” she asked.

“Pretty bad,” I told her.

“Not that I should care, but do you think Wes is in danger?”

“Nah, well, not as long as he stays in his room.”

Kayleigh unlocked the door to their room. Bodie and Karma were huddled over a laptop.

Karma looked up. “You guys gotta check this out.”

We went to see what was up. I read what was on the screen. “Fuck me. Is this for real, Bodie?”


Someone had already created a site dedicated to Wes, and it wasn’t a good one. It was full of hate directed toward him. Death threats, promises of bodily harm, and numerous mentions of doing terrible things to his manly parts.

“I mean, I meant to draw attention to the guy, but these women have taken things to a level I didn’t expect,” Bodie said.

“No fuckin’ shit,” I said. “These women are crazy. On a good note, we now know what women here not to get involved with.”

Karma smacked me, but was smiling.

“How long have you known about this?” Kayleigh asked.

“About an hour,” Karma told her. “Bodie said the site was only started a couple of hours ago.”

“Wow, they moved fast,” Kayleigh said. “Should we be worried?”

“About what?” I asked.

“I don’t know, maybe the angry mob downstairs and someone figuring out what really happened.” Kayleigh’s words dripped with sarcasm and it made me laugh.

“Bodie’s the best, you don’t have to worry about that. And Wes doesn’t deserve anyone’s worry. He has serious issues that need to be dealt with.”

Kayleigh looked at me but didn’t say anything. I didn’t understand how she could possibly care at all what happens to the douchebag after finding out what he did. I didn’t care if he burned to the ground. Maybe she was just kinder than I was.

“Do you girls want to come to hang out at our place for the rest of the day?” I asked them.

Bodie raised his eyebrows at me and Karma smiled.

“If we’re over there we’ll be free of the angry women and won’t have to chance running into Wes, right?”

“Yeah, sure,” Kayleigh said.

Karma smirked at me. I was sure she knew it was just an excuse to spend the day with Kayleigh.

The girls gathered up what they needed to study and we left. I think the number of women outside the building had grown in the short time we’d been upstairs. I was glad to be away from them. I think every guy with half a brain wouldn’t want to be anywhere near them.

We spent the entire afternoon studying, well I tried to look like I was studying. My mind was back in the truck with my hand so close to Kayleigh’s pussy. I kept thinking back to when she let me touch her on the couch in her dorm. I wanted to watch her face and her body move because of me. Just thinking about it was making my dick move. I had to try to focus on the book in front of me.

I managed to get a little bit of studying done before we went to eat. Bodie and I took the girls to dinner then we went back to their place. The mob of angry women was gone but the security guard was still there.

“I wonder if Wes is here?” Kayleigh asked.

I could hear the concern in her voice, but I didn’t know if it was for him or for herself. When we got off the elevator on their floor we ran into a very angry Wes.

“This is all you’re fucking fault,” he said, getting in my face.

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but I suggest you get the hell out of my face asshole.”

He tried to take a swing at me but Bodie grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall.

“Calm the fuck down,” Bodie said to him. “Go back to your room and stay there or this will be a fight you won’t win. Next time I won’t stop you and he’ll kick your ass.”

Wes vibrated with anger. Bodie slowly released him. I think he was waiting to see if Wes was going to go apeshit. His fists were clenched at his sides but he didn’t start swinging again. He stalked off. Karma unlocked their door and we went

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